SEC17 WK:#3: large and small families, likes and dislikes

in Steem Kids & Parentslast month (edited)
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Roommate: "Hey, wouldn't it be fun to visit Enugu town for the weekend?"

Me: "Yeah, it would be fun! We could stay with one of my brothers in New Heaven."

Roommate: "I thought you said your brother lived in Owerri road?"

Me: "Yeah, but that's a different brother."

Roommate: "Wait, how many brothers do you have?"

Me: "just two"

"Wow! and how many sisters?"

"I have no sister, just me"


This is typically the same response I get each time I reveal how many siblings I have and what everyone will be like: do you have your room to your self?Do you all eat together? How do you cope with just being the only girl in the family?


It's usually funny when I hear these questions come from friends, but since I come from a small family, I'm cool talking about them.

In my family, everything was shared—the clothes, toys, food—in fact, food was eaten on a communal plate. It's fun when we all eat from the same plate, drag the last portion onto a plate, and share the meat.

When we play, it's like a market square. My mom would always shout, but all to no avail. The various games usually make the house more fun than school. I love to always come back home once school is over to enjoy the moment with my siblings.

I don't know how fun a large family could be, but I know a small family like mine is sweet. Even though I was the only daughter, we had a division of labor. Chores are shared among my siblings and me, and we deliver accordingly without issues.

A small family might seem small and lonely, but I tell you, it's peaceful, joyful, and lovely. The love we share is incomparable. My dad returns from work every day with a package for each of us. Imagine if it were in a large family. Do you think he would get different packages for each child? I doubt they will have to share one package.


In a large family, each child does not have their own room; they pair with each other, making it stuffy or uncomfortable for them. But see me and my small family; I have my room to myself, while my brothers have their rooms to themselves. This way, I feel safe and comfortable at home.

Coming from a small family gave me the opportunity to learn some domestic work that has helped me today. If I were in a large family, it would be difficult for me to learn so fast and possibly not learn at all.

In a small family, all the children have the privilege to attain education to the highest level, but in a large family, some children are sent to school while others are kept at home because of a lack of funds.

I have seen a large family where the parents sold off some children just to get money and take care of the others. It's not a movie but a real-life story. A large family comes with lots of disadvantages. I think people should be wise when it comes to making a family. Plan before executing.

In conclusion

Large family, small family—all are family, but there's what we call togetherness that is the main character found in a family. It doesn't matter your number, but if this is not in place, you have lost it.

I still prefer the small family, where everyone agrees to one thing and stands by it.

I would love to invite @ruthjoe @pandora2010 and @nancy0


 last month 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in the Steem kids and parents Community.

the size of a family can greatly impact the experiences and opportunities available to each child. It is important for parents to consider the pros and cons of having a small family versus a large family, and to make decisions based on what will best support the well-being and development of their children.

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Setelah saya membaca postingan anda, lebih baik kita mempunyai keluarga yang kecil yang penuh dengan kebahagian dan kedamaian, daripada keluarga besar yang penuh dengan malapetaka dan kesengsaraan. Untuk apa mempunyai keluarga besar jika harus melakukan sesuatu perbuatan yang tidak baik, walaupun itu di anggab baik demi keluarga namun saya menganggabnya perbuatan yang tidak pantas. Bila kita berkeinginan mempunyai keluarga besar namun harus siap dengan segalanya, baik itu ekonomi, sarana, makanan dan pakaiannya, itu baru namanya keluarga besar yang penuh dengan tanggung jawab.

Selamat dan semoga sukses untuk anda.

 last month 

Large family, small family—all are family, but there's what we call togetherness that is the main character found in a family. It doesn't matter your number, but if this is not in place, you have lost it.

My dear there is nothing like love, understanding, cooperation and unity in a family once there is this quality, wether large or small family can stand tall.

I saw your all post you explained everything so well, surely there are some things in as well as advantages and disadvantages. We are not a big family, amd also we are not a very small family, we earn everything by ourselves and take care of ourselves.

 last month 

You said that "A small family might seem small and lonely, but I tell you, it's peaceful, joyful, and lovely" and I totally agree with you on that. It is much easier to love and cater for a small family compared to a large family. I would love to have a small family when I get married.

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