Creative Litter plastic bottle for potted plants (updates from previous post)

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Waste plastic bottles can become problems if disposed of carelessly. This plastic bottle waste can be used as a pot plant. There are many ways of utilization of waste plastic bottles. I tried to gather ideas on the utilization of waste plastic bottles as a pot plant. Photos of this plastic bottle trash I took from many sources, to forget the take from anywhere. Examples of this is the utilization of waste plastic bottles from various parts of the world.
If set and styled with good, pot-a pot made from junk of disused plastic bottles can become very attractive and adds to the beauty of the garden, Village Road, or our home page. Plastic bottles can also be used as a pot to vertical garden. Can also be used for hydroponics or aquaponik.
Pot made of disused plastic bottles can also be utilized to nursery until the plant is already producing. There's even a harness as a place for growing organic vegetables. Pots of plastic waste bottle can also be utilised for urban farming in the House, on a narrow terrace House or even just in a narrow House window.

How to plant a Hydroponics with Bottles (5 Stages)


Step 1: preparation TOOLS and MATERIALS

Prepare the ingredients as well as devices that are required, such as:

  1. Bottles of mineral water 600 ml size already cleaned
  2. Scissors, knife, or cutter for cutting
  3. Wick stove to drain the nutrients, or if the item is already hard to find, you can replace it with flannel (wick system)
  4. Use media can be either the cropping rockwool store-bought farm or online at
    Reason for selecting the cropping alternative media because of rockwool in the hydroponic farming it could bind water, and air for aerai in large quantities so as to make room for the roots to grow and suck nutrients properly.
  5. Superior plant seed to give satisfactory results of agriculture
  6. Clean water, not already mixed with chemical compounds
  7. Nutrition AB Mix that can be purchased via the online store also farms online
    After all components of gardening by making use of the media in the form of bottles (such as Aqua) has prepared, then you can go to the next step.


At this stage, you will make the bottle as a means to place the seeds or plants and the cultivated in hydroponics. The following the steps:

  1. Make sure the bottles are still looked sturdy and not regular (lecek).
  2. Grab a cutting tool that you have prepared, cut the neck of the bottle to be in two parts (see picture).
  3. Make a hole in the bottle cap with a diameter that if could be added to the axis of the stove. If you are using flannel fabric, then make two holes on the opposite side at the neck of the bottle near the closing area of the bottle.
  4. Once there are openings on the bottle cap, insert the wick burner or fabric flanelnya.
  5. The next step, the back part of the neck of the bottle and put it in the body of the bottle (in reverse, bottle cap positions are below, or see the image).
    Bottles now can be used to membudidaya crops. But wait, as in the previous Guide, on how to plant hydroponics with bottles as well you have to sow the seeds of the plants advance separately.

Step 3 : for SEED

Provide seed or plant seed winning you have to prepare. For the next steps, please follow the following guidelines:

  1. Use a knife or scissors to cut up the square shape with rockwool size 2.5 x 2.5.
  2. Moisten with water by means of rockwool diciprat-ciprat, don't be soaked so as not too humid. Or it could be dikira-kira itself.
  3. Place the rockwool growing medium into a container of a capacity or trays as molds square ice cubes, or in other similar containers.
  4. Make a hole in the Middle, each using rockwool rib or a toothpick with a depth of about 2 mm.
  5. Next, planting the seeds of the plant into the hole that has been made on the rockwool until everything filled seed.
  6. After all pieces rockwool plant seeds contain, close the container with a black plastic bag and place the container to sow the seeds are in the shade or dark, keep away from the Sun.
  7. Monitor the development of the seed per day to seed, broke his mark is appears white roots candidate-white and poking leaves candidates anyway.
  8. When the seeds germinate or plants already rooted, now you move to a place that is exposed to sunlight. Jemur containers from morning until noon, and when the blazing sun is too hot, move back to where glow without needing to shut down again with black plastic.
  9. In the stage of seed seeding, you must continue to introduce prospective plants with sunlight.
  10. Make sure anyway so that the planting medium is always wet when dried then it can be sprayed with fresh water again.
  11. Continue to do the watering and the granting of sunlight on a regular basis every day until each leafy plant 4 (true leaves) which indicates the plant was ready be moved cropping and given nutrients.


As explained in how to plant hydroponics with bottles before, hydroponics nutrients you can make by buying fertilizer AB-Mix at the store online agriculture such as or you could make your own with hydroponics nutrients that is easily found in the vicinity.

Plants require nutrients for its growth. Therefore, in the famous hydroponic farming without the use of media for planting land, then the vital elements of the plant should be fulfilled properly if wanting a good agricultural results.

Hydroponics nutrients AB-Mix which can be found at this farm shop there is a powdery and some are already shaped liquid solution. If you want to own, then making a purchase in the form of powder and follow the guide how to water that is generally attached to a piece of paper.

For the AB-Mix it yourself there are a few types, you can inquire directly with the seller. For veggies, you could buy the AB-Mix leaves (leaf vegetables). As for fruits, you can choose the Mix AB-specifically for the growth of the fruit. AB-Mix consists of two separate types of liquid solution that will be mixed with the water until ready to use.

Step 5: move the CROPPING

This is the most eagerly awaited moments by all perpetrators of hydroponics. Because, the seed that has already germinated will be ready to grow up and be ready for harvest and crops that are consumed or sold back to add to the coffers of revenue.

Planting moving process is quite simple, you just need to prepare bottles which was made before. At the bottom of the bottle, pour the nutrient solution to taste. Then take part bottleneck, move the media already overgrown rockwool for planting sprouts and roots carefully into it. Do not forget his nutritional line with axis or flannel cloth. Then, combine the two parts as in the picture.

Now you already can do intensive treatment against plant that is already in the bottles. Your task is simply making sure the plants still grow by providing the nutrients on a regular basis. Don't let plants do not absorb nutrients for a long time because it will give rise to the risk of a failed harvest due to dead plants.

You need to know is also the larger the plant, then joined his nutritional needs increase. Therefore, at least once a week a nutrient solution must be added. The share of manufacturing liquid own hydroponics nutrients must also be added to the next until the plants are ready to harvest.


That's how hydroponic cultivation of bottles of mineral water with a wick system or system axis. For those of you who don't know, actually wick system is only one of many other hydroponic systems, such as pumice rafts, Fertigation, NFT, dutch bucket, and several others. The axis system is itself a hydroponic system that fairly easily applied by everyone, including beginner though.


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This post is the renewal of the previous postings

Regards @nisaa

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