Came to Believe- In What Exactly? Step Two of Recovery

in #addiction7 years ago (edited)

Step 2

After someone seeking recovery has admitted they are powerless over their addiction or compulsion, and accepted that their life has become unmanageable, what exactly is the next step?

Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

What? Power greater than myself? Sounds like your trying to get me to believe in God here, I didn't sign up for all that!


At this point in recovery it is not necessary to acknowledge a "God" in the traditional sense of the word at all, merely a "Power greater than ourselves." This "Power" can be anything. There are many in recovery that choose to use the "Tables," as we call meetings, as their higher power. After all, aren't a group of people more powerful than a lone person? Can you not draw strength from a group of people that you do not have yourself?

When dealing with Step 2 all that is required is to believe that something greater than you can restore you to sanity, that's not so hard now is it? If something is greater than you then it only makes sense that it could restore you to sanity. People rely on Doctors all the time to help them because they are more educated or "Greater" than they are. What is so different than believing in the power of your group to help you?

Don't try to fool me- I read step 3!!

Ok, ok, I admit that the next step does say the actual word "God" and it is also used in Steps 5, 6, and 11. I am not going to get into those steps right now. That would be putting the cart before the horse, and we don't do that in recovery, we focus on today. We call it "Chopping the wood in front of you."

But, since I know there are some people reading this who are probably getting turned off on the whole idea because of this "God" thing, I will just show you one quote from the A.A. "Big Book" that should ease your fear. In chapter 1 on page 12, in the chapter titled "Bill's Story" (about one of the founding members of A.A.). Bill and his friend are discussing God and his friend tells him "Why don't you choose your own conception of God?" Reference: Big Book of AA. This is what much of the rest of the program is built upon, a persons ability to choose the "God of their own understanding." As a matter of fact this is what it says in step 11 verbatim.

Nope not gonna even think about "Higher Powers" and such nonsense!!

Ok, I get it, you don't believe, and nobody can make you. This is perfectly fine and not only that, but perfectly your right to choose so. Please, do not let this stop you from finding relief from whatever is causing you to have problems in life. There are many people who do not believe in "God" or are even willing to loo at the concept of a "Higher Power," and they have still found recovery. If you would please go to this site- Atheist Guide to Recovery -and give it a read, at least hear what they have to say!!

KISS- Keep It Simple Stupid!!

This is one of our mottoes in recovery, and it applies here. This "Higher Power" concept does not have to be a stumbling block to anyone finding relief from their problems. All you have to do is accept that their are things out there greater than you, groups, people, institutions, deities, whatever, that can restore you if you are willing to trust them. Hopefully by this time you have attended some meetings and have found a sponsor. Talk to them, tell them your concerns and talk. The main thing is to not close your mind to help because of a preconceived idea. You aren't helping yourself that way.

Ok Fine There's Something Bigger Than Me....Now What?

Now, we take a minute and reflect on what we have done so far in working the Steps. We keep going to meetings, talking to our sponsors, and we get ready to make a decision (Step 3). I will give you a little teaser here. If there are 3 frogs on a log, and one makes a decision to jump, how many frogs are on the log? Think about that until next time, and keep your head up!

As Always...

If you know someone who needs help please seek it out, if you know someone who should read this please share it with them. If you have enjoyed this post and would like to read about a hard-core drug addict that has been redeemed by Jesus, please follow and support me. Also, if you would like to see a chat room opened on discord for addiction and recovery issues, please go to this post and leave a comment in support- Discord Chat Room Post- Thank you and God bless!!

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Such an in-depth and helpful post. Definitely believe in a power higher than yourself. For me, it is my God and the power of the universe He created but I completely agree with you, believing in the power of your support system and your community is good enough too. Recovery from anything is quite a difficult process but if you keep believing in yourself, the higher power and stay consistent, you'll definitely reach the point where you can happily say 'I did it and feel proud of myself.' :)

Thank you for the support!!

very good friend

You are very talented, do not let anything upset you. I wish you luck in everything.

Thank you brother!!

the atheist guide to recovery is hilarious, it reminds me of ACT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, it is essentially echoing that teaching. If you don't know about ACT I'd search for it.

I will have to look it up. Thank you.

Great post saw you post it in @minnowresteemer 's discord. I have never used drugs but I did love someone who was addicted and it was something I didn't know, He relapsed after we met. I tried for 5 years, but he slit my throat one day without warning, high on crack. His grandfather was a pastor, and he sang in the choir. A few famous gospel singers wanted him to join them. Unfortunately, his gift of singing was over shadowed by his love of drugs. I forgave him, and moved on. I've been happy for 21 years now with someone else. No one can save an addicted person, but the person who is addicted. Thanks for posting this much needed info.

Thank you for sharing that!! I am really trying to help other people with my story. Maybr you can go to the post about the discord chat room and comment your support? Thank you!!

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