It´s time to buy altcoins, but which ones?

in #trading7 years ago (edited)

$4000 was the easiest record achieved in Bitcoin history. After the record, it took only minutes to reach $4100 and only a day for $4200. While Bitcoin doing its skyrocket thing, altcoins are suffering from this price movement. Not only that they are loosing value against Bitcoin, but also many investors either loosing their interests on them or selling what they have to join this Bitcoin trend.


I think this trend has reached its maximum potential and before the market turns around, altcoins should be analyzed closely to take the best position. I see a lot of people looking for some tips to find out which coin will show the best performance in upcoming altcoin pump. So, as a person who participates often in ICO bounties, i have decided to share my list. Here are some coins you should keep an eye on:


A project that is about to bring a revolution to cryptocurrency gambling world. Unless most projects in altcoin world, Edgeless has a solid project that is going to be used in near future. The coin showed a great performance during recent Bitcoin pump and still hanging in there. Edgeless already received its gambling licence and this is just the beginning of their story. I expect EDG to make their investors really happy by the end of this year. It´s price is about 15k today and this is still way below its potential.



Most GUP investors were starting to loose their hopes when the volume was about 4BTC and the token price was lower than 4k in July. We watched an aggressive price correction reaching as high as 7200 satoshi last week and price seems to be stabled around 4400 satoshi today. I have to mention that this is still a lot lower than its ICO price and recent pump was only a small move considering where this coin could reach in a real rise trend. I think GUP is another great opportunity for those looking for a cheap altcoin today.



First think i want to say about this coin is that Bancor project is being run in one of the most professional ways i have seen in altcoin world. Great team and very talented developers working really hard and doing a honest business to bring a new concept via Bancor token. It is a coin that requires its investors to be very patient, but in the end Bancor tokens will make a great profit. Bancor token price is about 65k today and i recommend to take a quick action as i don´t expect it to stay that low for a long time.



I know, this is not a big mystery. Ethereum price is around 0.07BTC and anyone who is familiar with cryptocurrincies know that Ethereum must be bought when its that low. It might not have as big potention as other smaller altcoins but it is surely a safer choice for investors with high numbers.



Altcoin alma vakti geldi. Peki ama hangilerini?

4000 dolar rekoru, Bitcoin´in tarihinde en kolay kirdigi rekor oldu. Borsalarda fiyat gorundukten sonra 4100 dolar seviyelerine ulasmasi sadece dakikalar aldi. Ertesi gun de 4200 dolar seviyeleri goruldu. Bitcoin bu devasa sicramalari yaparken, altcoinler bu inanilmaz fiyat performansi altinda can cekisiyor. Sadece Bitcoin karsisinda deger kaybetmekle kalmiyorlar, ayni zamanda yatirimcilarin Bitcoin trendine katilmak icin var olan altcoinlerini satmasindan dolayi da buyuk bir ilgi kaybi yasiyorlar.


Ben bu trendin en yuksek seviyesine ulastigini dusunuyorum. Borsada ruzgarin yon degistirmesine az zaman kala, altcoinler detayli olarak analiz edilip en iyi kazanc icin dogru pozisyon alinmali. Bircok kisinin tavsiye almak icin dusen haberleri karis karis okuyup fikir almak icin farkli yerlerde sorular sordugunu goruyorum. ICO projelerinin odul dagitim organizsyonlarini yakindan takip edip surekli yer alan biri olarak bende fikirlerimi sizlerle paylasmaya karar verdim. Iste bu donemde yakindan izlemeniz gereken coinlerin listesi:


Kriptopara kumar dunyasi icin buyuk bir yenilik getirme uzerine kurulu bir proje Edgeless. Piyasadaki bircok altcoinden farkli olarak, EDG gercektende bir servis sunmak icin kurulmus elle tutulabilir ve kullanimi olan bir sistem. Yani borsadaki bir kagittan cok daha fazlasi. Son zamanlardaki buyuk Bitcoin yukselisi sirasinda gercektende cok iyi bir performans gosterdi. Edgeless gectigimiz gunlerde kumar lisans belgesini aldi ve bu sadece bir baslangic. EDG´nin yil sonuna kadar yatirimcilarini gercekten memnun edecegini dusunuyorum. Fiyati su anda 15k civarinda ve bu degerinin cok altinda bir rakam.



Bircok GUP yatirimcisi gectigimiz ay icinde umutlarini kaybetmisti. Hacimin 4BTC ve fiyatinin 4k civarlarina dustugunu goz onune alinca bu cok sasirtici bir durum degildi aslinda. Gecigimiz gunlerde agresif bir cikis ile fiyati 7200 satoshi civarlarina kadar toparladi ve su aralar 4400 seviyesine oturmus gorunuyor. Bu fiyatlarin ICO satis bedelinin hala cok altinda oldugunu da belirtmelitim bu arada. Gelecekteki cikis potansiyeli goz onune alindiginda, fiyatindaki son yukselis icin "pump" kelimesi bile kullanmak dogru olmaz. GUP bugunlerde buyuk potansiyeli olan ve fiyati dusun altcoin bakan yatirimcilar icin buyuk bir firsat.



Bu coin icin ilk soyleyecegim sey, projenin simdiye kadar gordugum en profosyonel sekilde yonetildigi. Cok basarili bir ekip ve gercekten yetenekli yazilimcilar cok yogun calisarak Bancor tokeni ile piyasaya buyuk bir yenilik getirmeyi hedefliyor. Bu coinin yatirimcilarinin daha sabirli kisiler olmasi gerekiyor, fakat sonunda iyi bir getirisi olacak gibi duruyor. Bancor´un bugunku fiyati 65k ve bu fiyatta uzun sure kalmayacagini dusunuyorum. Bu nedenle yatirimcilarinin hizli karar vermesini tavsiye ediyorum.



Biliyorum, bu cogunuzun tahmin ettigi cok fazla analiz gerektirmeyen alenen belli bir durum. Ethereum´un bugunku fiyati 0.07BTC civarinda ve kriptopara dunyasini az cok bilen herkes bu fiyatin alim icin cok buyuk bir firsat oldugunun farkinda. Daha kucuk captaki diger coinler kadar buyuk bir potansiyeli olmasa da, cok daha guvenli bir liman oldugu kesin. Bu nedenle de yuksek miktarda yatirim yapanlar icin daha uygun bir tercih gibi gorunuyor.


Thanks @nomad88 for sharing, upvoted. What do you think about the price rise of Bancor? I think Bancor is a good one but I'm 'afraid' for a correction now.

Hi, thank you for your interest. When it comes to Bancor, I would rather put it this way: Bancor is not one of those coins that show a pump once or twice and disappear. If its price rise, that´s because there is a good progress. I think Bancor has a a great potential. Their aim is about changing the market system deeply. It is a very difficult task but i see that this team has the ability to achieve this goal. It won´t be an easy task. However, every progress will bring a positive effect on Bancor price. If you are a Bancor holder, you should be patient. If you are looking for a short term profit. It is surely not the coin. @unknowncrypto

Thanks for your explanation @nomad88. I was thinking about Bancor for a time and maybe I'm gonna buy some. Also beceause Bancor is backed by big inestors. I also would like to invite you for our Discord channel for crypto traders where you can promote and discuss your content. Here is the link if you like.

I appreciate your offer. I would love to join your channel, however i am not a very active discord user.

No problem of course. We just want to grow the cryptocurrency community and keep the conversation gowing.

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