
in #life5 years ago

This post could possibly be the lamest post I've ever produced.
Nothing here makes sense.

Some random artwork.

It's new

NoNamesLeftToUse - Why.png

This random bit of writing.

I wanted to be entertaining

Just gotta put that down, before it makes you frown.
They heard it all over town, and now I look like a clown.
Fucking things ain't right, but there's no reason to fight.
Just spend one more night, until the morning is bright.

I don't like your hair, it makes you look like a bear.
You said, "that's not fair," and then you started to swear.
Fucking things ain't right, but there's no reason to fight.
Just spend one more night, until the morning is bright.

You can't cook worth shit, I think you really should quit.
You took the oven mitt, and gave my ass a new split.
Fucking things ain't right, but there's no reason to fight.
Just spend one more night, until the morning is bright.

I saw you holding his hand, walking barefoot in sand.
You acted like it was grand, and now that guy cannot stand.
Fucking things ain't right, but there's no reason to fight.
Just spend one more night, until the morning is bright.

You spent all my cash, on your friend's birthday bash.
Got drunk and got in a crash, and now my car is just trash.
Fucking things ain't right, but there's no reason to fight.
Just spend one more night, until the morning is bright.

Girl I know I was wrong, so I wrote this country song.
I hope it wasn't too long, I hope that we can stay strong.
Fucking things ain't right, but there's no reason to fight.
Just spend one more night, until the morning is bright.

I don't know why I wrote that.

Sounded cool in my head, thought I'd share.


I'm being trolled, bullied, and harassed.

It's been going on for a couple weeks now, maybe more.

I've tried speaking to this individual. Unfortunately, he's very unstable. Your typical menace. It's either an act, or he's off his medication.

The most recent barrage of malicious downvotes happened today.

This was after I had this discussion:


You can clearly see there, just how unstable that individual is. Before that conversation, he had went on another malicious downvoting spree. He said I was being "negative" and had "attitude." Some of you out there witnessed that.

Crazy talk. It's all an act.

The comment I left under a post is linked inside the conversation linked above. You can clearly see how the comment I left and the response to it were not, "negative."

He downvotes, then removes the downvotes, then upvotes, and acts innocent. I said in that conversation, "You will snap again, I give you two days." I was right, because it's been going on like that for a long time. Acts like he's my friend, then starts insulting me and downvoting. Rinse and repeat. I don't need to offer proof because that behavior is all locked into this blockchain, for all to see, if they feel like digging.

This all started because I had left a comment under a post a couple of weeks ago. The comment was a joke. Typical me and the author of the post would have known it was a joke, because it's me.

The troll doesn't like the publisher of that post. The troll downvoted everyone who left a comment there. I tried to explain there's no good reason to downvote innocent people. All of this is locked into the blockchain. I won't be linking to where it all started but if anyone needs that information, I can provide it.

When you come across these trolls, just know they all act the same. They'll pretend to be a victim of something, as they attempt to cause harm to others.

These are the kind of people who run headfirst into a fist, then whine about being punched. Then they go around showing off the blood and saying, "Look what they did to me."

Majority of us are smarter than to fall for that trap. Unfortunately, some believe everything they read on the internet. They don't know the truth is locked into this blockchain, forever, and easily accessible.

The way we utilize a blockchain here.

Think about this.

Do you think a crooked politician could exist in this world if everything they did and said was locked in and made public? Would they get away with saying one thing and doing the other, like they do so often today?

I don't mean to get all tinfoil hat on you people, but have you ever wondered who these trolls coming here to make life difficult could be working for?

I do. Especially when I see how good they are at telling lies. Professional liars. It just rolls off the tongue. Just doing their job. The words mean nothing to them.

Here we have a platform where anyone can say whatever the fuck they want. Who could feel threatened by that?

Have you ever noticed how these trolls do and say anything they can to make this place appear to be exact opposite of what it truly is? They'll put themselves into a position to get downvoted, intentionally, and then say, "See! Censorship!"

I've noticed. Been here nearly three years; it's always the same. It all seems scripted to me.

If you only saw the part where they cry censorship, and saw them being downvoted, would you believe them? After believing them, then digging, and finding out the truth; seeing how they set up the situation they're in, would you be able to swallow your pride and admit to being duped? Many don't. They fall into the trap, then stay there, and begin to say the same things the liar said.

Kind of sounds like a political party to me.


That's what's happening to me.

Those little downvotes and the insults don't bother me. It's all just a cry for attention.

Even way back, when that massive "Freedom" account 100% downvoted me, twice, I was unfazed.

Screenshot (36).png

That didn't bother me. All it did was ignite a fire within me. I took a stand, respectfully, wrote a few good articles, got paid, moved on.

Here's the joke that got downvoted that day:

How to Fuck: Fucking Lessons for Beginners

Hi, how the fuck are you today? My fucking name is @nonameslefttouse the fucking writer him the fuck self. Fuck, I'm here today to teach you fuckers a little fucking lesson. Now sit the fuck down, get some fucking popcorn and fucking relax.

Fucking is not the easiest fucking thing to do. Many mother fuckers will get all fucking pissed off with you if you start fucking around. I'd ask those fuckers to leave the fuck now if this is not you're fucking thing as to avoid further fucking damage. I truly mean no fucking harm to you or your fucking beliefs. The last fucking thing I need is a fucking lawsuit. Read this fucking disclaimer if there are any fucking problems. As for the rest of you friendly fuckers, fuck on my friends, fuck on.

Fucking the fucking fuckers should be taken seriously. Never fuck around or you will be told to fuck off. Get to the fucking point. One fucking day you will remember this inforfuckingmation and be like:

Oh fuck yeah! I remember that.

Never forget to use your fucking memory. It's the most important fucking thing to any potential fucker when attempting to fuck. Fuck the fucking fuckers gently.

Fuckers caught fucking around with the fucking shit will be fucked. Think forward while fucking or you will get fucked.

Getting fucked is not something people like to fuck with. They leave that shit the fuck alone. In other cases getting fucked could be the greatest fucking thing. It's all a matter of fucking perspective. Learn which fuck is for you.

It is always best to first agree to fuck before you fuck. Simply ask, "Would you be interested in fuck today?" You will get your fucking answer. The fucking answer might not be the fucking answer you'd like to fucking hear, but you better do what they fucking say. Fucking abuse is about the worst fucking thing any fucker can do.

Fucking Conclusion

Once you fucking know how to fuck properly, many fuckers from around the fucking world will come to see your fuck. They will enjoy your fucking company. They will want to fuck all day and into the fucking night. It'll be fuck this, fuck that, fuck these, fuck those and fuck them all. Now would you look at that fucking clock?

Time to get the fuck outta here. Thank you for this fucking moment.

Because I didn't pout about those downvotes.

And because this community stood up for me.

I went on to create content and an account value that was once worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

And you know what?

I'll do it again.


Youtube video linked to source.
All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
"Thanks for having my back."

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.


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I’m pretty sure you’ve said that lamest post thing about a previous post. Your posts aren’t lame, just occasionally disjointed and sometimes difficult for me to follow (which is nothing to do with you and everything to do with me as I don’t always keep up with all the happenings around here) and always interesting and entertaining.

Either way you can’t beat me for lame posts so there 😝

Sorry someone/people are giving you a hard time 😠 glad you’re a tough nut.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I've been taking flak from every direction this past week or so. Got this troll, got one guy saying you only come here to talk to me because I vote for comments, got another one saying, "Why would a serious content producer waste their time here." So that was a huge slap in the face. Whatever though. I'm not made of glass.

This was a lame post though. I wanted to be entertaining. Spent time on the art, and it doesn't make much sense here. Well maybe it does and I'm just acting like it doesn't. I don't know. Who cares.

While a different style than usual. Love the message. Preach it.

This place makes it almost too easy to tell the truth and stand up for yourself. I like that.

You've been posting a lot more lately... Or maybe just at the moments I'm watching.

Posted using Partiko Android

I get into these modes or grooves or whatever, and it's really hard for me to put something down. This is exactly how I burnout though, then end up taking some time off, where once again, I get into a groove and really enjoy doing nothing.

Damn trolls have their own song. Yeah I try to ignore them. Kind of like the bully back in middle school. If they know they can get to you they love it. We used to not have as many scum trolls here. I guess Steemit is infested with them. Like roaches. Anyone up for exterminating this platform?

They're far outnumbered by normal people. Their mentality also helps, since they all end up gathering, it's much easier to sniff them out.

...And he says 'who's the troll', LOL, I had to laugh. Annoying for sure, but I still haven't run into anyone as bad as TPmonster ;) Fuck 'em.

This might be the same person.

Hm, yeah, with that pretending to be oblivious stuff and overall bipolar behavior I can see a correlation- except TP would fly into psychotic rages and had some ocd issue with posting the same things over and over and over every ten minutes. Still, a very similar mental problem

As I said in another comment here, do a quick search. What makes an online troll a troll. Read up. Saying it's a mental problem is 100% truth. On the streets, we'd be able to get them help. On the internet, honestly, we can't help them.

One guy I worked with long ago, he was a staff, I was his manager. He stopped taking his medication. Nobody even knew he was on medication until he'd start spending 30 minutes trying to explain to me the meaning of the crack in the concrete on the floor. If I said anything even remotely close to, you're acting strange, he'd throw a violent fit. I had to call his elderly mother. She instantly panicked and said I should be calling the police.

I can understand people down voting a post that is plagiarized but why down vote something you do not like? Just do not read it and move along............ I still prefer animals over most humans that can be such meddling moaning idiots.

A troll can't really understand that concept. There are plenty of studies out there, quite a few interesting reads. Just search why is a troll a troll or something like that. You might be quite shocked to see what you're actually dealing with when you come across these types. It makes a lot of sense once you know, and it's much easier to shrug it off, though on their end, they could probably benefit from medical attention.

I remember that.
It seemed funny to me.
Kinda sad, too.

Steem is what it is.
Steem on, or steemicide.
They only pretend to care, if they bother to notice.
Except a few, they really care,....kinda.

We've kinda known each for a long time, haven't we. A lot of people remember that. I still smile when I think about it. I somehow knew a dumb joke like that would create a stir, especially back then, when the place was so serious and everyone had their best mask on.

I care. I try to talk people down from those steemicides. I remember skeptic went off the deep end and I felt like a dad with the tough love treatment. I didn't want things to get worse. I knew they could do better.

I care, and sometimes that makes me look like a huge asshole as well. That part, I don't care about.

I miss skeptic.
He get locked up, or what?
He gave me this banner, and @antisocialists'.

It was more serious back then, tension and knives just out of sight, mostly.

I think the real a**holes have stopped posting but still pull out value.
I could name a few, but nobody cares.

Maybe hf21 will give us a boost.

I don't know what happened. I've seen hundreds leave, so that probably means thousands left. Everyone knows that though. It's no secret.

hf21 will be a shitstorm for the first little while. Change, it makes people change. I sense a panic, then things will calm down. After that, then we'll be able to see the truth.

100's of thousands.
But stinc's cto doesn't care about millions of users.

Yeah, I'm not holding my breath, but there is little else that can be done, at this point.

I had never seen the troll song before, that was great. Do the trolls hate it or something? I found the thread to be pretty funny sort of. Some people don't get that we have tools available, I stood up for a plagiarist once, I back tracked and back tracked to her first flag, I saw no reason why the post was flagged, and did not understand a lot of the issues that being able to edit your post caused from the last HF.

I asked the original flagger what the proof was of the plagiarism, they told me to do my own research, fortunately one of the more normal people from the flag group did respond and show me what they were doing. I removed my vote, (yes people you can do that), and changed it to a down vote, and unfollowed them.

So what I saw as a troll attempt was put straight, there would have been no doubt had the person that originally flagged the post had said why the post and person was being flagged. I would not have viewed them as a troll, however because of the attitude of the person I still view them as a troll and not a trustworthy person. Attitude can be everything.

That song is a classic. I don't really care if they like it or not.

I've caught a few art frauds, several actually. Caught a few plagiarists. I don't like giving away to much info on how I figure this stuff out though. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes not so easy.

It's far easier to be honest here than it is to be a shady. I have over 16000 posts here and I've been the same asshole in every one of them LOL!

Yep, I don't think I have seen to many different sides of you, pre break or post break, just you. I just did not like it when I asked a simple question of the flagger why, and got the response 'research it yourself'. Rude is rude, being real is being real. Some times the real you comes across rude, that is life, that is fine. Being rude for the sake of "my shit don't stink don't ever question me and my motives", is just plain assed rude when people present themselves that way. The response and attitude from that flagger is pretty much why I no longer spend anytime in discord chat or go there to any of the numerous helpful folk's with questions or concerns.

I'm straightforward, don't like mincing my words. My confidence is sometimes mistaken for arrogance, and sometimes it takes people a bit of time to get me. I've probably made hundreds of mistakes. I see no need to be perfect. I know who I am. As for the other hang outs, I honestly don't venture out of here too often. Not many here have spoken to me outside of here. I keep to myself for the most part. I know I can be a bit much for some people anyway and I don't really want to bother anyone.

heheh the blockchain battlefield :D

I think a thick skin and a heart of gold, along with some brutal honesty; those things win the battle every time.

Hey @trayan. Just ignore the troll.

@nonameslefttouse, I do, but he started following me - graying out my posts and comments...

I'll keep my eye on it.


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