You might already know me as NSPART... This is my personal account where I will be talking about my other interests.
So you might already know me as @nspart... Photographer/Artist/Erotic Artist. This is my personal account where I will be talking about my other interests.
I wanted to keep this separate from my @nspart account so I don't remove the focus from my art and photography on my other account. I'm a multi-dimensional being and I have many interests beyond my photography/art.
So on this account I will be posting about food/restaurant reviews, recipes, spirituality, sexuality, current events, manifesting your life, my life, life hacks, alternative medicine, Cannabis/Marijuana, and maybe a rant or two from times to time. I'm also going to be more open to discussion on these posts.
I also plan to spin off and start a few more channels which will include tutorials for the people I bring on to Steemit, Marketing Tips, Wealth Generation, Men's Issues, etc...
But let me start with the top 10 things you don't know about me...
10. I'm kind of addicted to Dark Chocolate... And these below are a few of my favorite ways to feed my addiction... I highly recommend all 3.
Trader Joes Dark Chocolate Almonds
Whole Foods Chocolate Molton Cookies - Best Chocolate Chip Cookie I have ever had!
Trader Joe's 72% Cacao Dark Chocolate
9. I'm a very Spiritual Person. Some might not think that if they come from a religious background or judge me just on my work alone. I'm not religious and I try not to be judgmental. I believe we all create our own reality and live my life from that perspective. And I believe in most of the stuff other people don't. UFOs, Free energy, Psychic Powers, Alternative and Natural Medicine etc... I'm also certainly not perfect... I am a work in progress.
8. I was a very late bloomer and was virgin until I was 21. This was partially due to being raised by a single mother. I had no idea the harm that did to me not having a father figure around. Until I became an adult. Then I saw I had pieces missing that men have that have been raised around a strong father. I stripped away what was not working and rebuilt myself as a man, one that does not seek the approval of others. This was not easy and it took me many years and many disciplines. NLP, EFT, Self-Hypnosis, The Avatar Course, The Sedona Method and I have walked on hot coals with Anthony Robbins.
7. Because of #8. I became a sexpert and dating coach later. Helping men and women improve their sex lives with the ebooks I wrote and sold for many years until piracy and copycats killed that business so I went on to being a dating coach and I was good, men transformed their lives, and I loved helping men get their lives together and go from sad lonely loser to a confident man that naturally attracted women. But I also got tired of that as it was not creative enough and I didn't like it when men would not listen and keep doing the same old stupid shit.
6. I'm a Foodie! I love food and to eat... Which is why I want to start posting some food, dining reviews and maybe some recipes when I cook.
5. I'm also into Alternative Medicine, Life-Extension, and Natural Remedies that actually work and I transformed my own health using mind-body medicine and alternative medicine. I live on Anti-oxidents, superfoods but still eat pretty much what ever I want in moderation.
4. If you're conservative, religious, closed minded or easily offended or a prude, we probably won't get along. I'm very upfront and open. And I have a dirty mind, but to me sex it not dirty, unless you do it right ;) This actually goes back to my Spirituality. My range is in my work as in life is from Fine Art to Raw Erotica. From Classy To Trashy, From the profound to the profane. Why? Because one of my favorite quotes is “If you only see God in the Profound and not in the Profane you are not seeing all of God” Which is All that is, The whole, The Yin & The Yang, and honestly I find the sexual & erotic energy connection between people to be one of the most beautiful, amazing and powerful parts of life and it is the reason we are all here.
3. I love to work out and stay in shape but... then of course I blow it by wolfing down a Double Bachi Burger and fries! and a pint of Phish Food, while watching Game of Thrones or Westworld on HBO! ;o)
2. I'm an Empath. Which means I feel other people's emotions and read people really well. But it also means I have to protect myself from negative, emotionally abusive people and drama addicts. It's also why I like to make people feel good and give pleasure. I used to be a massage therapist and I just realized a couple of days ago when I gave a girl a massage because her neck/back was hurting that I could feel the relaxation just like she did.
1. My Heros are the people that accomplished all of their goals in-spite of the naysayers... Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Einstein, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Gene Simmons, Huge Hefner, Bob Guccione, Terry Richardson and even Donald Trump just for the fact that he won in-spite of the biased media, fraud and constant attacks you can love him or hate him but you should admire and respect his resilience, determination and tenacity, and learn from him because, that's what you need if you want to be a success these days. This does not mean I agree with every view, stance or opinion of the people above or all of their choices in life. Only that their stories of persistence and success have taught me and inspired me.
How do you know it's me, well I'm going to do a post on my other account about it and I'm also going to be doing more videos on here.
So please follow, upvote andresteem this post to support this new effort of mine to bring you some insights, knowledge, wisdom and things I find useful that I think will benefit others.
Thanks and welcome to my new account. Well that's for now...
I have flagged this post.
As steemit's resident "sexual moralizer", i just wanted to voice my deep contempt for Nico, and everything he stands for. I intend to flag all of his posts that do not conform to my stringent moral code. Steem should be place where children, and nuns, and child nuns feel safe.
JK. The two paragraphs above were a joke. no flags. no sex moralizing. Just sigma being funny.
The reason I am posting here is because I wanted to get it on record that i made this and multiple other accounts for Nico on 1-6-2017. It occurred to me later on that someone from the outside looking in might see that I created these accounts, and that at least some of them list "las vegas" as the location (which also happens to be my location), and assume incorrectly that Nico and I are the same person. This is not the case. He wanted a bunch of accounts, and didn't have a unix machine with piston or the cli wallet, so i helped him out.
Side note on this:
Bill Burr has a freakin hilarious bit on arnold and his accomplishments (and how unlikely they were) in one of his netflix specials....
NSFW video starts at around 2:00(profanity and sexism)
Ah good to see you posting again and looking forward to more from you man! Cheers!
Powerful @nsplife !
Loved reading your post, one of the best I've read so far on this platform and has me excited to read more.
Looking forward to it, have the best weekend ever!
Thanks you so much I try to put out quality content. and I followed you as well.
Cheers brother 🙂
thanks for shareing and loved your post ! im a follower from the start , I also love dark chocolate , totally agree with number 9 I am none of number 4 and I also love people that acomplish their goals in life ! this was great getting to know you better ! Keep up the great work ! Im predicting you will see no flags on this account ! lol ! Good luck !👍😉💙
Thanks for the support Karen :)
Excellent idea. Good luck with the new account!!
Follow you. Much fun on your flag free account :-)
LOL! We'll see... I'm sure I'll piss someone off
Lol. I bet you are able to do that ;-)
Nice @nsplife Followed already :)
I am a nutrition coach, EFT practitioner and natural therapist from New Zealand. I love dark chocolate, like to keep an open mind but get a bit irritated with people who are easily offended. So I think we will get along very well! Followed and will upvote in an hour or two when my voting power is a little better.
Thanks I appreciate it!
Wow, I really really love re-forming my image of you, haha! Not that I judged you, I'm following the other account ;) But from the pictures you take to the pictures of you on that form an image it can't be helped :) And this is...well it's just fantastic really. Phish food, Game of Thrones and West World...we are already the best of friends ;)