Who can help the world?

in #life7 years ago

When for every post I do, I'm paid the equivalent of a day at work, I'm grateful to this Steem community. Then I think how I can make my posts more useful to those who read them.

We have these tools to record text and images to share with many people, and the information is stored in many places simultaneously (on the server of each witness) forever (or as long as the Steem blockchain lasts). It is almost free. (sometimes the cost of opening an account is paid by the community).

I wonder what I can write or photograph, which will be useful to many people and to the life of this planet. I think I can develop some ideas after 36 years of life. I always enjoyed science, dismount the toys to see what they have inside to understand how it works.

I think the most important thing for life is energy. Everything we do needs energy and we try to get more. We breathe the air to put oxygen in our blood, Oxygen is combined with the nutrients in the foods we eat. This produces fuel for the cells of our body. In the mother's womb, this energy was given to us through the umbilical cord.

Biological energy

Many people and animals on the planet strive to get the energy for the functioning of their body, always looking for food (and water).

The shelter and clothing also contribute to decreasing energy consumption by keeping the body at the right temperature.

There are many other things to do with life, such as space for rest and work, but they also relate to getting or keeping energy for the body.

Some people who have managed to accumulate sufficient means (capital, money, business ...) to obtain energy for their physical body, come to face the lack of other energy: mental energy.

Mental energy

Having the means to produce more than enough energy for physics, we remain without the primary motivation. What are we to do? what goals are we pursuing as humans? Euphoria and experiencing emotional states that are out of the ordinary. So some of us get possessed by alcoholism, addiction to drugs, sex, video games, gambling ... And when these euphoric states cannot be achieved, some have suicidal thoughts.

Emotions are also a form of energy. When we do not feel any emotion, we are depressed and we do not want to do anything. We want more and more emotions to stay alive inside.

Some people who have managed to accumulate sufficient means (relationships, money ...) to obtain energy for the psychic, come to face the lack of a higher purpose or other energy: spiritual energy.

Spiritual energy

When a person's physical and mental needs are secured and disappear, remains the need to live forever or indefinitely. This need can be met for some of us by different methods: culture, religion, science ...

When I say culture, I think of those authors who ensure their immortality through their works and who accept their death knowing that they will not be forgotten by their peers. Religion offers similar immortality. Christians, for example, are trying to live their lives according to the soul model of Christ, who will never be forgotten as long as there are Christians.
In addition, most religions, and some testimonies of those who were on the brink of death assure us that there is another life after death. However, some ideological trends help us to get rid of the need for immortality, for example by convincing that the present is all that matters, the future and the past being of little importance.
Science, technology, and medicine have managed to increase the life expectancy of many people, and continue to increase this hope by offering hope for resurrection or immortality, such as cryogenic, genetic treatments ...

Hoping that you found useful information and reasons to read my next posts, please let me vote and comment my own post :)

God help!


True! Energy keeps us alive be it mental, physical or spiritual!