Because Women Need a Bocations | Travel to Cafe Sawah Pujon Kidul, Indonesia

in #travel7 years ago

Malang, Indonesia - never seems to run out of interesting places to visit. After a long open instagramnya in Malang tourist account, when my new day kepo know there are many new places in Malang, and the average location in Batu. One of them which is currently again often displayed is Cafe Sawah Pujon Kidul, Batu, Indonesia.


What is pujon rice field?

Pujon rice field cafe is a gathering place in the middle of rice fields. Beneran in the middle of rice fields, not only cafes with rice field views like in Pupuk Bawang or Bess Resort.

Location Rice Field Pujon Kidul

Address cafe Sawah is in Pujon Kidul, Pujon Malang. Precisely located in Batu Kediri. The route to this rice café after passing through the umbrella area and go directly to the Cow Statue (Coban Rondo) which is 50 meters away T-junction road that brings the left into the alley along the 4 km to reach Pujon Lor fork. And Pujon Kidul. Follow Pujon Kidul and go straight up to see One Roof School when you get here ask the people around.

Price Sign in to Cafe Pujon!

To enjoy the cool feel of rice fields with artistic ornaments and beautiful visitors do not have to pay a levy, just pay the motorcycle parking fee of Rp. 2,000 / motorcycle. The facilities at the Pujon Kidul Rice café are quite complete, there are plenty of chairs, there are mosques and toilets. No wonder if this place is crowded because it is also used as a resting place.

Visiting the location of Cafe Rice is very exciting. Because the atmosphere is very beautiful, with its typical dish of cool rice fields and bonuses, beautiful ciamik fields and majestic Mount Dorowati. Not only that, Location Cafe Rice pujon is arranged in such a way by very beautiful people. There is a Love Park with an artistic place to map and there are also cool photo spots. Anyway no nyesel stop at this place.

There seems to be someone coming, and I am waiting here alone. Hey there come to me to be able to accompany me and amuse every sadness of mine. My cheeks are red!

I found a beautiful flower here, I think there will be some attackers who will cheer me up here. I wish it was!

Bahasa Indoensia

Malang, Indonesia - sepertinya tidak pernah kehabisan tempat menarik untuk dikunjungi. Setelah instagramnya buka lama di rekening wisata Malang, saat hari kepo baru saya tahu ada banyak tempat baru di Malang, dan rata-rata lokasi di Batu. Salah satunya yang saat ini lagi sering ditampilkan adalah Cafe Sawah Pujon Kidul, Batu, Indonesia.

Apa itu sawah pujon?
Kafe sawah Pujon merupakan tempat berkumpul di tengah sawah. Beneran di tengah sawah, tidak hanya kafe dengan pemandangan sawah seperti di Pupuk Bawang atau Bess Resort.

Lokasi Sawah Pujon Kidul
Alamat cafe Sawah ada di Pujon Kidul, Pujon Malang. Tepatnya terletak di Batu Kediri. Rute menuju kafe beras ini setelah melewati area payung dan langsung menuju ke Patung Sapi (Coban Rondo) yang berjarak 50 meter dari T-junction road yang membawa kiri ke gang sepanjang 4 km untuk mencapai garpu Pujon Lor. Dan Pujon Kidul. Ikuti Pujon Kidul dan langsung naik ke Sekolah One Roof ketika Anda tiba di sini bertanya kepada orang-orang di sekitar.

Harga Masuk ke Cafe Pujon!
Untuk menikmati nuansa sejuk sawah dengan hiasan artistik dan pengunjung yang cantik tidak harus membayar retribusi, cukup bayar biaya parkir motor sebesar Rp. 2.000 / motor. Fasilitas di café Pujon Kidul Rice cukup lengkap, ada banyak kursi, ada masjid dan toilet. Tak heran jika tempat ini ramai karena juga dijadikan tempat peristirahatan.

Mengunjungi lokasi Cafe Rice sangat seru. Karena suasananya sangat indah, dengan sajian khas sawah sejuk dan bonus, ladang ciamik yang indah dan megah Gunung Dorowati. Tak hanya itu, Location Cafe Rice pujon diatur sedemikian rupa oleh orang-orang yang sangat cantik. Ada Taman Cinta dengan tempat artistik untuk dipetakan dan ada juga spot foto yang keren. Pokoknya nyesel tidak berhenti di tempat ini.

Tampaknya ada seseorang yang datang, dan saya menunggu di sini sendirian. Hei, datanglah padaku untuk bisa menemaniku dan menghibur setiap kesedihanku. Pipiku merah!

Saya menemukan bunga yang indah di sini, saya kira akan ada beberapa penyerang yang akan menghibur saya di sini. Aku berharap itu!

Vote, Resteem anda Followed me @nurita


Waw this is amazing park mysister!!! i will goon

im waiting here for you mybrother!!!

Ajaklah kakak kesitu!!!

Kesinilah, kita jalan2 disini.

cie cie nunggu siapa tuh!!!

Loh, kan aku nungguin kakak, hehe

kasian yg make sarung, takut lepas.hahaha

very beautiful scenery if I was there I certainly do not want to move from that place, because it's so beautiful that place makes forget everything as well as the people in this photo are all very beautiful ..

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