Introducing mytrade V2 a new Dex with great potentials

in Project HOPE3 years ago


DeFi and NFTs may be what are taking the
crypto market by storm, but all of their growth is underpinned by DEXs. Uniswap, SushiSwap, PancakeSwap — all of them have injected the crypto market with a new vigour that is showing no signs of disappearing. DEXs are the hub for a large part of the most innovative ideas, and the DEX liquidity of billions of dollars is clear evidence of that.
While everyone agrees that DEXs are a cornerstone of the market, they still only hold a fraction of the market: centralized exchanges users outnumber DEX users on a ratio of almost 10:1. So why is this the case when DEXs are so hyped up and potentially more secure?
There are multiple reasons behind this, but suffice to say that the market has a few pain points, which require addressing. These obstacles, including but not limited to user experience and low capital efficiency, stop users from migrating unquestioningly to DEXs.
That’s why we’re building MyTrade V2, a DEX that is feature-rich, compatible with multiple chains, supported by layer 2 solutions, and, most importantly, offers a centralized exchange-like user experience. We truly believe that this is a next-generation exchange and not just another DEX on the market.
Why? Allow us to explain.
What Is MyTrade?
Traditionally, there have been a few variations of DEXs. There are Pure Order Book DEXs, like iDEX; pure AMM DEXs, like Uniswap; and DEX aggregators, like 1inch. These have served users very well, but there is always room for improvement. MyTrade leverages the best of what DEXs have accomplished so far and then adds a multitude of features on top of that.
MyTrade V2 can be deployed on all major EVM-compatible chains and uses Layer 2 solutions, meaning low gas fees and high scalability — two issues that have plagued the DeFi market. We are building on Polygon first because it is an excellent network that helps us remain decentralized while hitting all these much-wanted qualities of security, speed, and cost-effectiveness.
In other words, MyTrade serves as an innovative DEX that utilizes recent technological developments to establish a more decentralized and resource-efficient platform. By providing appealing improvements to makers, takers, miners, and users, we can introduce a paradigm shift in how users interact with the DeFi market.
But it wouldn’t help to just talk about how it’s going to be different. We need to tell you what’s going to be different. The MyTrade model may seem simple in hindsight, but of course, all good ideas tend to be that way.
Reference material

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