Hello steemians and good day. I will be dropping a series of updates on how I have been promoting steemit and creating awareness about the platform to students in my school and places I can meet individuals . image

 I have been on steemit for more than a  month and I have come to appreciate the platform tremendously. It is a rewarding platform where you are being rewarded for your quality content.

I began telling people immediately I joined especially my colleagues at school .this yielded rich result .Some of them felt or believed it was another Ponzi scheme (They had had really bad experiences with those).my friends even laugh at me. Some of them felt or believed it was another Ponzi scheme (They had had really bad experiences with those). All i have to to is to CONVINCE them. I showed them evidence of my cash out wish is 9200 (4 sbd). image

To my surprise I registered of few  colleague.  In which some started making introductory posT. I have been mentoring them  about steemit . I have been talking about steemit everyday .I have registers like 16 people in the platform  because more and more they  become aware about it and pick up interest to join . 


To mention those who have made their introductory posT like

BIG THANKS to @samstickkz ,@ejemai and entire STEEMIT UYO community for been been industrious with regards to Steemit. They have not backed down as they continue to steem on.growing the community into one of the largest in Nigeria.
We will never give up!!!!


i am using my quality content but my rp is not increase and earning also @okeaguugochukwu btw your post is very valuable.