Five Things to Do to Succeed in 2025

in Newcomers' Community2 months ago


Season's greetings to all my dear steemians in this community. How is your day going? Hope you're doing well. Every year comes with an opportunity to succeed. But the success everyone dreams of is dependent upon how one plans and executes his dreams. The question is: what are those attitude one needs to imbibe that could help one achieve one's plan? In this post, I am going to explain five things you should do in this 2025 in order to succeed.
Source: opera mini

Make a Plan

To succeed in 2025, you need a plan of what you want to achieve. Every successful achievement in life starts with a concrete plan. You need to write down in black and white, what you intend to achieve, how you intend to achieve and ways you will take to arrive at your result. The saying, "if you don't plan to succeed, you will plan to fail," is not only true but a yardstick in achieving a sustainable wealth. Start this January with a plan.

Make Good Use of Time.

Time is a very significant factor in achieving success in life. The best thing to do this year is to divide your time in a day to accommodate your dream. Don't spend so much time on what does not lead to your success. Divide 24 hours into minutes, making good use of time to bring out results. Time, they say is money. When you make good use of time, you will see yourself on the verge of success.

Invest in Business

Apart from making good use of time, investing in business is a sure way to succeeding in a new year, if the business is managed well. Don't spend all your money in buying and consuming; start a business that would sustain your source of income. A business gives you money and build your financial status. Anyone that wants to be known, must have a business mentality.

Cut down on frivolous expenditure

It is true that when your expenses exceed your income, you will run into debt. But when your income exceeds your expenses, then you will become rich. For your income to exceeds expenses, you must cut down on unnecessary expenditures. Spend money on needs rather than wants. Every need is necessary but not every want is unnecessary to survival. Reduce your expenditure in order to increase your income.

Develop the Habit of Saving

Saving helps to make you confident financially. Do not finish all your money as it comes at once. Save some of them for rainy days. Let new money comes to see an old money. Saving money helps you to plan on capital project. No saving equals no planning. Develop the habit of saving, even if it is small. That small saving if maintained, can make you a millionaire.

I believe if these five keys are applied in your life this new year, 2025, you will be on a threshold of growth and prosperous.

Thank you for finding time to read my post. Have a nice time.


Bueno, y yo te diré algo que tampoco debes hacer.

Esta comunidad se encarga de recibir artículos relacionados con la presentación a Steemit de nuevos usuarios, de manera que, otro tipo de contenido no será apreciado como debería ser.

Por lo tanto:

Procura conocer otras comunidades donde tus escritos encajen perfectamente y puedas conocer otros usuarios con intereses similares. Procura siempre dejar buenos comentarios en otras publicaciones para que puedas construir relaciones duraderas y amistades verdaderas que apoyen tu contenido, puesto que, debes darte a conocer en este inmenso océano llamado Steemit.

Mi recomendación entonces es que, elimines esta publicación de esta comunidad, y busques comunidades como Recreative Steem, Scouts y sus amigos o Colombia original, quienes gustosamente leerán tu contenido y esperarán calidad en tus escritos.

¡Buena suerte!

Thanks. I know it was a mistake publishing here. Sorry.

I can't find app to delete it. Help.

Necesitas editarlo. Borras el contenido y escribes "error".

Luego buscas una comunidad y lo vuelves a compartir con las etiquetas correspondientes.