Steemit Engagement Challenge S4-W1 | My view on Cyber ​​Bullying | By @olabillions

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

desidned in canva

What is your understanding of Cyberbullying?

There are different ways of cyberbullying which could be by a comment, blackmail, or post among many other ways, cyberbullying is an act of taking advantage of one's information and using it against the owner, this act mostly occurs on social media, if there is a victim of cyberbullying it will come from the use of social media. Some go to the extent of using information to bully by extortion, and threatening, and many ways are implemented to cyberbully a person.

I believe if one's information is properly intact and not revealed such a person will not be a victim of cyberbullying, but if otherwise the information can be used against such person, and this act is done by a hacker with the use of the dark web.

Have you ever been a victim or perpetrator of Cyberbullying?

Of course, I have been a victim of cyberbullying, my innocence was played on, and one of my social media accounts was hijacked by a hacker after he cajouled me to help I create ads, and as such a link was sent to me to click, it was a painful experience for me but ever since then I have restricted most of my social application to friends that I know in real life.

Give an instance (if any) wherein you or someone you know felt bullied in cyberspace, and what spiked such a feeling. (It could be throughout any social platform)

As I have mentioned earlier I am a victim of cyberbullying, it happened once that I was chatted through an application called telegram, we engaged, and believing him was the worst mistake I made for a stranger that barge into my dm and sent me links to click on which I did.

Clicking on that link redirected me to Facebook and as such an OTP was sent to me which I sent to him because it was part of his instructions, all I wanted was to create ads for my business using Facebook app and he took advantage of that and hacked my Facebook account, on the telegram he restricted me and on Facebook my detail couldn't sign me in anymore.

It was a bad experience that affected me in several ways, the account hacked had several old friends which I might never meet again but with the help of Facebook we connect with each other like we see every day, and more so what fueled up my feeling was that I wanted to use that account for the advertisement of my business which I know will be productive in the end but becsue of I was naive he took advantage of that which pissed me off.

How did this encounter affect this said person?

Emotionally, I was down, trusting people became a problem, and even the real ones are doubted, it was an encounter that left me with a lot of problems and doubts about people, I couldn't believe anyone again and during that period I battled with a lot of things because I refuse help from people, I believe everyone would take advantage of me. In conclusion, the encounter hurt me.

How safe do you feel on Steemit? And have you ever felt bullied at any point in time? (on Steemit)

I feel safe on Steemit because the knowledge I have today about cyberbullying is comprehensive, Steemit has taught me the need and reasons to have my credentials safe, the security of my key should be intact in a way that it can not be reviewed by anyone except me, Steemit has taught me to keep my keys safe from people as such I am very free on Steemit and I believe as long as I don't carelessly do the wrong thing on steemit, my account will always be intact as it is supposed to be.

In my experience with Steemit, I have felt nothing but love, assistance, courage, and encouragement from people. Here on steemit we are accepted with open arms and supported a lot, so since my stay here on Steemit, I have never been bullied or intimidated by anyone or a group of the body at any point in time.

What lessons did you gain from such a scenario? And what advice can you give to your audience?

I learned a lot from that scenario, and as such, it has helped me in several ways and I have been able to be free from beings a victim of such. It has enlightened me on the need to be careful with links and never to trust strangers who I don't know or just met randomly.

Humans are human and to know the good ones among all is difficult, as such never put your trust in someone, especially strangers.

Be careful of how you share your credential, it could be used against you at any point, there are a lot of bad people in cyberspace waiting for you to make a mistake.

To be careful is one of the pieces of advice I will give to my audience, and never to reveal your key or password to anyone.

I invite @lhorgic @ruthjoe and @kawsar.

 3 years ago 

A very wonderful article you have presented here my friend, truly steemit teaches us how to safe guard our keys and account hence the need for the achievement tasks. The platform does not promote any form of abuse, everyone on the platform treat others with love and respect and that is why we don't get to see hateful replies on our comments instead we see advice and encouragement. I wish you success in this contest my friend.

Not surprised you can relate to this, Steemit has taught us about security as such many of us are free from cyber bully on Steemit and outside.

 3 years ago 

Hola amigo, siempre estaremos inmerso a este tipo de acoso, siempre habrán personas mal intencionadas que querrán hacernos daño, debemos ser precavidos y no caer en este tipo de situación. Suerte en el concurso☺️

Amiga creo que siempre estaremos expuestos a este tipo de acoso y habrá personas mal intencionada, lo importante es ser muy cauteloso y evitar caer en este tipo de situaciones. Saludos y exito en el concurso.🤗

 3 years ago 

Thank you for the invite dear friend. My opinion on cyber bullying is that we should try to avoid whatever form it may occur. Be security conscious..and so sorry about your experience

All the best in your entry

It is a rampant crime and most teenagers are always the victim, with carefulness and proper knowledge about the cyberspace such accident will reduce.

Thanks for your comment

 3 years ago 

You are sure welcome boss

Cyber bullying is a crime that occurs in cyberspace. This crime is very rampant over time. Even in Indonesia, there are many victims of cyber bullying through social media, and usually teenagers are the victims.

I also share about cyber bullying, if you have time please take a look and I will be happy.

It would be good to read your opinion about cyberbullying in cyberspace, it is a rampant crime for as long as I can relate and I agree teenagers are always the victim.

The habits that become victims of cyber bullying are teenagers. Because teenagers don't anticipate it. They rush when there is new news shared by others. I hope you have time to look at my posts too.

 3 years ago 

It is indeed a wonderful article brother and I most say that you have really said a lot about cyber bullying because it something that really come with a lot of emotional problem and endings up letting someone to depression and I also want to say
Am sorry for the lost of trust and the emotional torture that you went through after some period of time
But I also want to say that steemot is the best social media platform which helps to protect and presserve our personal information .
Thank for this wonderful rideup and hope we stay tuned why using the steemit platform

Cyber bullying is now the order of the day, we get to see this incident occuring almost on a daily basis. It also have great effects on the victims and some do lead to trauma, death as well of the victims. It is indeed a bad thing and it should not be happening the way it is. Goodluck to you.


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