Happy Birthday, Twinnie.

in Steem Africa4 years ago


How did we even get to this point?
It has been a long journey but worth it
Who would have thought
We would become this inseparable
Indeed, some of the good things in life
Comes without noise and strife
I got you on a platter of gold
I know, I don't even need to be told
For your love, Twinnie I am sold
Sold to you and sentenced to Twinnieship
Oh! Let the bars be strong and the gate locked
I don't think I want to be released from this ship
Not even if I am chastised with the whip
But then, I still ask, how did we get here?
Your willingness to always be of help struck me
You would go all the length just to please others
A trait I noticed about you the first time we spoke
From your deep sleep my call, you, it woke
You did it all for love, not for the value of a coke
It's your day, pardon me, your nose let me poke
You genuinely help others, to you, not a yoke
You do it with so much joy and smile
Oh! For your smile let me run a mile
Your smile is enchanting and your voice soothing
Friends come in sizes but there is no size for you
You defy every odd and broke every known standard
You set the bar so high, no one else can match
We argue we fight, we ignore, we keep a distance
Still, here we are, maintaining our ship stance
If you were an investment, you worth the chance
If Twinnieship comes in colour, you are my favourite blue
We are five and six, forever we glue
You take all my disturbances, no stress
Always to make me happy, no fuss
I know without an iota of doubt, you, God go bless
My fashionista Twinnie, come on, see dress
You know how to make simple things impressionable
I believe your clothes take the form of your awesomeness
I have so much to say about you
From your amazing character to the way you smile
Go easy with the sweetness, abeg no give us pile


Happy Birthday, Twinnie. You are talk and do...you don't just own the title, your actions prove it. Thank you for being awesome and for being the best you can be. I thank God for the gift of you.

Your hearts desires would be steadily and speedily granted. You will enjoy heaven's release of divers blessing over your life. You will never know a better yesterday. Thank you for adding more colours to the rainbow.

I can never celebrate you enough because you are constantly setting the bar higher. My padi with the sauce, my Twinnie with the class. I wish you God's best. Love you, dear.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


Happy birthday 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Hello my friend you should join my community called stars I will definitely support your content there and I'm sure the other user's will also support you

I will do that right away. Thank you so much for this. I look forward to being a part of it.

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