Love my job - rarity in today's world
How lucky man can be when he makes a living from the job he likes. I must say that I am one of those.
Sometimes I feel that I should pay my clients to do what I am doing. :)
As my first photo indicates I am videographer and journalist and this days owner of small video production firm. My previous job was VJ and TV presenter for Croatian national television. I start working pretty young when I was still a student on law faculty.
I fell in love with journalism and the life this job enables to a young person - a lot of traveling, meeting and interacting with important and interesting people, to be on places where ordinary people cannot be.
Many celebrities and nice looking women around you all the time :)
On this photo after having interview with great Joe Cocker
I found myself in many interesting locations and surroundings, places that I probably never visit if not for this job.
I do not have to mention that creativity on this job goes wild ones you get your camera in hands and the adrenalin stays until the end of process of editing, Ones I described my job - it is like building house from LEGO but you have all the bricks you need for your idea to come true.
The diversity of tasks and having an opportunity to build something from scratch, from blank canvas always give you a extra motivation, I never ever said that I do not feel like working. Looking people around me so unsatisfied with their lives and job they are doing makes me even more aware how lucky I am.
Imagine visiting sports events, interesting conferences, concerts, movie sets, driving a new models of the cars, visiting great parties, fashion shows, events and for all of that receiving money.
It doesn't matter if I am in front of the camera or holding it, I feel the same joy every time!
I like to create and produce staff, this is why I like Steemit that much too.
In two years how long am I on Steemit I created more than 50 videos and 3000 posts and plese consider my next word as a promise.
Having a job that makes you happy is a hard thing to achieve anywhere, in Croatia it is as rare as unicorns.
Then again most of us don't seem to be willing to take that extra step and try to actually make something of themselves.
If "complaining and blaming others for everything" was a paying job 90% of Croats would be making a post like you did.
Hahaha - complaining as a job - Croatian innovation. We should make a patent of it :)
Yeah, and then open schools around the world to train other in this amazing skill ;)
Very cool. Resteemed :-)
Thank you, it means a lot to me:)
This is nice when you love your job. Then you can be a professional in your profession.
Kako se početi baviti strukom koju radite? Od nekad mi je to sve zanimljivo. Evo prešao sam 30-tu pred koju godinu i shvatio da svoj posao radim dobro ali ga samo odradim. Razmišljam o nečemu što mi je uvijek bila želja i što mi je uvijek bilo zanimljivo.
Yes, the fact that you love your job makes it easier to be good at and professional.
Thank you for reply and encouragement :)
Igrom slučaja sam počeo raditi na Hrt-u kao novinar u emisiji dobro jutro Hrvatska za vrijeme ljetne sheme. Nakon toga sam počeo otkrivati stvari i zaljubljivati se. Prvo je to bilo samo novinarstvo a sa vremenom sam otkrio snimanje i kameru, Godinama sam snimao i usavršavao se. Zadnjih godina sam otkrio i video montažu kao još jedan sastavni dio procesa proizvodnje videa. Sada kada sam zaokružio sve uživam u proizvodnji sadržaja. Želim da otkrijete i Vi svoju strast jer doista je onda sve lakše i sve se samo po sebi raspliće.
Hvala na odgovoru. Rado bih se time bavio kao hobijem za početak. Rado bih malo snimao kratke dokumentarce o prirodi. Imate li kakav savjet za početak? Oprema, gdje naučiti osnove?
ovo je stvarno lepo procitati, da ljudi uspevaju raditi ono sto vole. nisu svi te srece (iako sreca nije jedini faktor)
Hvala na komentaru. Gledam oko sebe i prečesto viđam ĺjude nezadovoljne svojim poslom i mislim si kolika je to šteta;koliko bi samo bili bolji miźevi,majke;roditelji,prijatelji, koliko bi bili produktivniji i korisniji zajednicama u kijima źive.
Šteta, śteta,šteta što je to toliko rijetko danas.
zavrsimo ono sto volimo ali nekad mozda ocekujemo strava posao od samog starta. kapiram da treba vremena za tako nesto. ali da, da covek dolazi srecan sa posla, ne bi bio "opasan" po drugog. :)
Vjerovatno zbog toga "Tvoje lice zvuci poznato".
Hvala :)
Ne mora posao nuzno biti ona "strastvena ljubav" do groba, ali mora se raditi harmonicno i opusteno, a ne 'jedva cekam da zavrsim i idem kuci'. Generalno i takvih je malo.
Na žalost. Nadam se da će se to sa razvojem tehnologije, internetom i svim ovim novotarijam promijeniti.
Jel Športerica bila početak ili si radio nešto i prije nje?
zapravo sam počeo u dobro jutro HR, a tek onda Športerica :)
It's really great, when you love your job, you're just lucky. When I look at your photos, I see your happy face)
Thank you for noticing my smile :)