My friend and my faithful companion - By Olimiesma
This is my friend "Miedoso". He always goes out into the garden and lies on the dead leaves, he always wants to be on me and be caressed by me.
Dimensions: 5184 x 2920 |
Manufacturer of the camera: SONY |
Model of the camera: DSC-HX400V |
Objective: Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonar T * 2,8-6,3/4,3-215 * |
Diaphragm opening: F / 5,6 |
Exhibithion time: 1/2000 seconds |
ISO lighting: ISO - 80 |
Compensation of the exhibition: -1 |
Focal distance: 74 millimeters |
Maximum opening: 4.96875 |
Dimensions: 5184 x 2920 |
Manufacturer of the camera: SONY |
Model of the camera: DSC-HX400V |
Objective: Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonar T * 2,8-6,3/4,3-215 * |
Diaphragm opening: F / 5,6 |
Exhibithion time: 1/2000 seconds |
ISO lighting: ISO - 80 |
Compensation of the exhibition: -1 |
Focal distance: 58 millimeters |
Maximum opening: 4.640625 |
Dimensions: 5184 x 2920 |
Manufacturer of the camera: SONY |
Model of the camera: DSC-HX400V |
Objective: Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonar T * 2,8-6,3/4,3-215 * |
Diaphragm opening: F / 5,6 |
Exhibithion time: 1/2000 seconds |
ISO lighting: ISO - 80 |
Compensation of the exhibition: -1 |
Focal distance: 74 millimeters |
Maximum opening: 4.96875 |
Dimensions: 5184 x 2920 |
Manufacturer of the camera: SONY |
Model of the camera: DSC-HX400V |
Objective: Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonar T * 2,8-6,3/4,3-215 * |
Diaphragm opening: F / 6,3 |
Exhibithion time: 1/2000 seconds |
ISO lighting: ISO - 80 |
Compensation of the exhibition: -1 |
Focal distance: 157 millimeters |
Maximum opening: 4.96875 |
Dimensions: 5184 x 2920 |
Manufacturer of the camera: SONY |
Model of the camera: DSC-HX400V |
Objective: Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonar T * 2,8-6,3/4,3-215 * |
Diaphragm opening: F / 6,3 |
Exhibithion time: 1/667 seconds |
ISO lighting: ISO - 80 |
Compensation of the exhibition: -1 |
Focal distance: 215 millimeters |
Maximum opening: 5.3125 |
A fraternal greeting to the whole world
Una duchita no le iría mal ijijijijij
Es un Sol de gato, es mi fiel amigo y compañero.
Un día de estos prometo escribir, a mi manera la historia de mi gato :**
Ya veo que se te acabó la inspiración ;)
Estoy emprendiendo un proyecto paralelo en el que voy a volcar todo mi potencial con mi hermano @sacriux.
Así que tranquila, nosotros seguimos minando shatosi, aprendiendo y proyectando, los fondos están por llegar :**
yo nací tranquila jiiijijij
Amazing cat and precious pics, congrats and thank you so much for sharing.
Keep steeming ;)
Thanks :)