Words on the marble... On self esteem
Self esteem in very basic terms is confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect.
Self-esteem portrays the totality of a person's subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. A combination of self respect, self love and self worth
There are times as humans when we might lack confidence in our abilities, however a prolonged feeling of this might actually be harmful to mental health and human feelings. This prolonged lack of belief in ones abilities is what is known as "low self esteem."
It is often characterized by withdrawal, accentuating negativity, anxiety, lack of social conformity e.t.c.
Self esteem isn't fixed, it can change based on thought process, the more reason why positive and determined thoughts as a constant is of gargantuan importance.
Until you see yourself as special
Other people might not see you as special
You are not giving them a reason to...