The Trump Doctrine 2017

in #freedom7 years ago

****GLOBAL NOTICE***** Highest Administrative Authority in America Recognizes “We the People,” are Sovereign!


Mr. Trump has opened a door which can never be closed again—As the undisputed leader of the free world, he made a public and global Declaration giving lawful recognition and legitimizing the sovereignty of the American people.

Now the matter of addressing unlawful and criminal de facto elements within our country is our business.

He could have addressed anything he wished…He could have promoted the New World Order…but he didn’t! Instead as the highest legitimate, lawful and even the de facto “legal,” corporate authority...he made it crystal clear, The original Constitution is in effect and “We the People,” govern, “We the People,” rule…and most important, the American people are sovereign.
the people are sovereign And NOW---We aaare the something!!!!

We are now officially recognized and empowered. We are now the army for which we have been waiting!

And not to deliberately overwhelm…but facts are facts…

The sovereigns define the difference between de jure and de facto.

Personal sovereignty-The Basic Human Right The people must assert their sovereignty!

Private Corporations are promoting Jade Helm!

Sovereignty! Supreme authority from the Creator!

Freedom of Choice! Justice! Honor!

Administrative Authority in America Recognizes “We the People,” are Sovereign!

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