Spiritual Teachings from two Masters *SUN day* 2

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

 ~ SUNday 2  ~  

Teachings from Spiritual Leaders  

The Mother, of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in India 


White Eagle, Master of the Star 

                                           ~art by Jessica Perlstein http://dreamstreamart.com/

The Sunlit Path 

Passages from Conversations and Writing of THE MOTHER

Published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram 1984

page 83

"Concentrating the Attention

Whatever you need to do in life, one thing is absolutely indispensable and at the basis of everything, the capacity of concentrating the attention. 

If you are able to gather together the rays of attention and consciousness on one point and can maintain this concentration with a persistent will, nothing can resist it -- whatever it may be, from the most material physical development to the highest spiritual one. 

But this discipline must be followed in a constant and, it may be said, imperturbable way; not that you should always be concentrating on the same thing -- that's not what I mean, I mean learning to concentrate."

page 84


What is concentration?

It is to bring back all the scattered threads of consciousness to a single point, a single idea. 

Those who can attain perfect attention succeed in everything they undertake; they will always make a rapid progress. 

And this kind of concentration can be developed exactly like the muscles; one may follow different systems, different methods of training. Today we know that the most pitiful weakling, for example, can with discipline become as strong as anyone else. 

One should not have a will which flickers out like a candle.

The will, the concentration must be cultivated; it is a question of method, or regular exercise. 

If you will, you can."

                            ~art by Spar Art http://sparart.com/collectors.html

The Way of the Sun 

White Eagle's teaching for the festivals of the year

The White Eagle Publishing Trust, 1982

pages 12 & 13

"At the beginning of Spring: Man's Heavenly Senses

When a flower grows in Mother Earth, when a tree, a young sapling, begins to grow, it has to face the buffeting of physical forces -- the wind, the heat of the sun, drought and storm -- and the ignorance of man. 

So too is man buffeted, and he has to become strong in his effort to grow out of the dark soil and reach up to the light of the gentle sun's rays. 

Life, dear brethren, is effort; and spiritual life too means effort. So you must not become complacent, you must reach up all the time.

Think of the great trees that have grown from a a tiny seed; think of the corn that has grown from the little golden grain and the bread which supplied your daily need. Think of the water which falls by command of the Creator. Never grumble, dear brethren, about rainy days! Welcome them, for they are cleansing, they are refreshing. Never grumble about the rain; never grumble about the air currents and the wind, even if its uncomfortable and it buffets you. We speak of your spiritual life as well as your physical. Welcome the brothers of the air; welcome the brothers of the sun.

We advise you, when you are troubled in mind, to walk in your garden, walk over the soft turf, look at the blades of grass . . . they are part of you because you are part of God, you are part of the sun.

You could not live without the sun, or the water, or the air, or the earth; nor can you live spiritually without bridging the etheric gap by the senses of your soul."

                                  ~art by Michael https://soulconsciousness.deviantart.com/