Celebrate your little success daily

in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

For a long time in my life I believed that success was a destination. You know, a place you hope to get to one day, and finally everything would be perfect, and you would somehow be on top of your world. Have you ever thought of success in that line too? Have you ever felt like “I can’t wait for when I will finally crush it, when I
would finally make all that money, become successful, and just be happy?” You have? Welcome to the club. I used to think like that too. However, things started changing for me when I started realizing my goals. I found out that I would feel happy for the moment, but it would not last for too long. Moreover, I found
out I had denied myself the joy of feeling successful with the hope that one day I would feel a giant wave of success. It didn’t happen that way. I didn’t understand. Ah ah, this was what I had always wanted. I had finally gotten it, yet, it seemed as if I had not yet gotten
to that ‘super success destination’.
This kept happening over and over, until it finally struck me: Success is not a destination; it is the journey, and it involves the whole process.
It is not all about a place I finally get to, but what I experience along the way. In other words, I don’t need to wait for December 2018 and
make one billion dollars to be successful. No, I can be successful today when I make that wonderful presentation and close that sale. I don’t need to wait till I cross that 9-figure
mark to feel successful; I can allow myself to feel successful for the extra 50k that I made this week. Do you get the picture?

When you allow yourself to celebrate this journey of success, you will get used to it. You would get so used to crushing your goals every day that you won’t feel good if a day passes
without you having something to celebrate.
And guess what? That’s when your success actually starts. That’s your success right there staring at you in the face already. Yes, you can feel free to celebrate, because you are already a success. Don’t get intimidated by those who seem to be closing one billion dollar deals presently. Don’t let yourself feel discouraged by the numbers they are calling. If you do, you
could give up on those financial goals just before you hit the mark. And just in case you have forgotten, there is really no competition. You are running your own race, and the only
person you are competing with is yourself.
So dear friend, it is a new year. Have you written down those financial goals yet? They look scary, right? I understand. I feel scared too. But here’s what we are going to do. We will go out there every day and give it our very best shot. No, we won’t get bothered by the fact that our little victory seems so inconsequential compared to the goals we set previously. No! We will keep pushing, every day, no matter what, little by little, and we will be celebrating our success every day too. And one day, we will wake up, some time towards the end of the year, and find out that we finally hit the mark. And we will have a grand celebration. But we would also realize that we didn’t really succeed that
last day. Rather, we succeeded right from the first day.

So, friends, get up and start running towards those goals already. The holiday is over, and the winners have already started kicking ass and succeeding.

Have a pleasant day ahead.

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