Delete facebook and join steemit
Facebook has been raining for decades now and still got nothing to offer . Only you can give it something by subscribe for data and wasting your time.
I recall when I was in secondary schoool (high school) where friends will asked if you've got facebook account. If you ain't got. "You aren't in town" is what they will tell you so you've got to do everything you can to be get a profile then
By then things aren't got easy easy like this reaching any site you can on your smart phone. You've got to get laptop and get network profider or modem but if you are not from a wealthy family and can't afford buying computer for yourself ,you got to go and buy time at cyber cafe
Cyber cafe is a place where you buy time. Depending on how long you wanna stay online and have to pay huge amount that can feed you for a day . All cos you wanna chat with friends on facebook
And then other social apps and nets comes whereby you can log in automatically and get registered on facebook. Maybe cos the social networks believe facebook is the best,maybe they think they can survive only under facebook. I don't know but I know later he buy most of them cos recently I heard he has bought telegram too.
Maybe mark wanna be the only one to own popular social networks I don't know but I think its self consent if that's his mission.
He stopped cryto adverts on facebook,google did theirs. I think only twitter is the one that hasn't join now. Maybe later I don't know cos since I've been on steemit I can't count the number of times that I've been on other social networks cos they ain't giving me anything and I believe in payback. You do me favour and I pay you back with good act
Mark is rich already,I don't know what it will take him to make crypto.
Steemit really change my life. So why won't I let the world benefit what I am also bennefiting and hurge them to delete facebook and join steemit.
I will try my possible best to make sure the #deletefacebook #join steemit rains
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