in #steemchurch6 years ago


As a member of the " Ghana Association of Methodist Church Choirs"( GHAMECC), I had the opportunity to attend our 17th Biennial National Delegates' Conference at University of Ghana, Legon, from Wednesday, 18th-Sunday, 12th August 2018.

Our Conference theme was: "Go and Make Disciples of All Nations: Sustaining Our Gains Through Effective Stewardship-The Role of The Singing Ministry."

I would like to share with you some of the importance of conference to us as Christians.
The word "Conference" is being explained in the Longman Dictionary as: a large formal meeting where a lot of people discuss important matters such as business or politics, especially for several days."

As part of our Christian obligations we need to hold conference from time to time to share ideas together about the way forward for the Church.
That is why the Association of Methodist Church Choirs-Ghana, took it upon herself to hold the four days Conference.

Though, the theme for our Conference was geared toward winning souls through singing, but I want us to look at the importance of coming together as Christians to discuss how Christianity can be uplifted(Conference).

  • Conference Brings Socialization and Renew our Christians Relationship:
    And this is confirmed in the Psalmist that it is good to stay together rather than being idle.

"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"(Psalm 133:1)

In School, we were taught how to socialize with people and make friends. That is why in Colleges and Universities they have some allocated period in their Semester for socialization. During this time, students are allowed to converged at nice serene environment which has swimming pool and all the facilities that will aid the students to enjoy themselves. Because loneliness is not good, it can bring deep thinking, sorrow and to some extent depression to the fellow. So socialization removes a lot of anxieties and brings happiness especially when meet our old friends. That is why in the book of Genesis 2:18b, the LORD GOD saw that, it is not good that the man should stay be alone; so He will make an help need for him. In this case, socialization help us to get our life partners. Socialization also open opportunities for someone, in terms of job. At Conference like this we meet a lot of prominent people who have been blessed with good works and businesses. Meeting such people can open avenue for people at that gathering. In Ghana, getting job is known not to be easy, so creating such social rapports among members at such Conference may offer us job. Because at such Christian Conferences we meet Lawyers, Doctors, Teachers, Business men, Directors from both private and public sectors and Police Officers.

  • We Renew Our Faith And Rededicate Ourselves To God Through Conferencing as Children of God:
    We affirm our faith from time to time to build our relationship with God. Christian Conferences bind us strongly to God or Jesus Christ. Because as we meet as a group clear some doubts we are having from our mind and help us to be focus on God. The Lord God gathers us with one accord and renew our hearts which are broken because of shaken faith or misunderstanding between us and our neighbours, flesh hearts are restored when we meet as one body.


"Therefore say, thus saith the Lord GOD; I will even gather you from the people, and assemble 6ou out of the countries where ye have been scattered, and will give you the land of Israel.
And they shall come thither, and they shall take away all the detestable things thereof and all the abominations thereof from thence.
And I will give them one heart, and I put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh:
That they may walk in my statues, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God."

We also rededicate ourselves to God through Conferencing. As a way of thanking God for what He has done for us and also committing ourselves to Him again for His protection and guidance till we meet as Conference delegates. During such occasions, much Christians activities are embarked on. Some of these activities are adduced below:

1.Memorial Service to remember our delegates who have died.
2.Prayers for forgiveness
3.Intercessory prayer for sickness, accidents, possession by demons etc.
4.Prayers for God's blessings and prosperity
5.Prayers for the whole nation


"And whatsoever you do in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him

  • Some of our problems are addressed at Conferences:
    Open forum for discussions are allowed at such Christian Conferences that seek to address peoples problems. There, immediate solutions are found to curb those problems. Donation are sometimes made to support those who are suffering from sickness or members who on one way or the other had peculiar problem that need a joint partners to help them. Donation can also be done to support the needy ones. Especially, those who are brilliant but do not have guidance.

  • Assessment of the previous laid down implementation, whether achieved or not and the way forward:
    During such gathering, reports of things that were planned to do previously are reviewed and digested for members to see if they were achievable at the time of Conference to date. Such gathering raises discussions and peoples' ideas are solicited for better development of Christianity. This part may differ from Conference to Conference, but as far as this Conference is concerned some of the things that we look at are:

  1. Financial status of the organisation
  2. Projects that were captured to embark on whether achieved or not
  3. How so far our role as that organisation has imparted the church
  4. Our weaknesses and strength
  5. The way forward or recommendation to improve the organisation.

The just raised point form the basis of most Conferences, whether Business Conference, Political Conference or Christian Conference. Most organisations that fail to organise Conferences periodically do not function well. Since Conferences help to administer self assessment and base on that they are able to formulate good and solid policies to improve the organisation.

In conclusion, I must say that organising Conferences and being part of Conferences generally to me is very important. Using our organisation(The Association of Methodist Church Choirs-Ghana) for instance. I have learnt a lot from this Conference for my four days of the Conference. And I am going to impart in my society and circuit churches. For there is a saying that: "brightening the corner where you are." Amen!

Comment, share, resteem @oppongk from sc-g.


this is great, we are happy that you belong to the family of @steemchurch, we hope to see you more often here
firma 10.png

Thanks very much @steemchurch, I will really try as much as possible to often here

I bless you dear friend, I am also a musician, and seeing this impresses, that in Ghana hold these meetings. I would like to see a video where you can sing. Greetings from Venezuela

God bless you too boss. I will make video on that in one of my subsequent posts

Sending the word of God to the world is the priority of Christians, thanks for such a good job.

We are indeed propagating the word of God. Thanks @bigssam

One of the most beautiful moments for me when I attend church on Sundays is to listen to the chants and praises to the Lord from the choir. I encourage you to continue with this life ministry. Receive my affections @oppongk

Thanks for your words of encouragement, indeed it has been wonderful listening to chants

Reaching out to people with the Good news is why these conferences are very necessary. God bless you for being a part it and for sharing your experiences with us

Yes oo boss. We need to be part in such occasion. Thanks you bro.

Thanks all for your supports.

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