Is Mining With Android Mobile Highly Profitable?
Mining With Android Mobile - Usually, when people think about mining, the first thing that comes to mind is expensive hardware that can cost tens of thousands of dollars. For those who want to cut costs, it is now possible to use the Android bitcoin miner app.
Platforms and Devices
Unfortunately, almost no iPhone or iPad app allows you to mine cryptocurrency in May 2018. Sure, there are some "mining games" available on the Apple App Store; however, the prizes are very low and not on the same level as the Android app.
For Android users, there are a large number of mining applications. Let's see the potential cost and benefits of mining with Android apps. Let's look at some examples.
Mining Applications With Android
DroidMiner BTC / LTC / DOGE Miner can mine any cryptocurrency using SHA-256 or Scrypt. The download fee is only $ 0.99 and has 10,000+ installations. These reviews are not all good. Average rating about 3.0 stars. According to reviews, miners can only expect to reach about 1 megahash with high-end devices (ie tablets). There are also many reviews that complain about how these apps spend a lot of batteries very quickly, so it might be better if your device is plugged into the charger.
Electroneum is considered by most reviewers to be a slightly better choice with an average rating of about 3.8 stars. This app is free to download and has 500,000+ installations. Electroneum is actually the first project to launch its own cellular mining app. The user has stated that it is possible to mine as high as 50 hours / s. However, hashrates can go down to about 30 hours / s. But there is one thing to be aware of. The actual mobile app does not confirm the new block in blockchain.