in Project HOPElast year

Hello beautiful people. Hope you're having an amazing day today. I say happy new week to everyone. Today on Life Issues, we'll be looking into Understanding and Overcoming Stress, part 1.

In the make up of human beings, we have the capacity to manufacture thoughts and to use audio visual technology to scrutinize things and analyze result.

As human beings, we have the ability to mourn over the past, to suffer in the present, and to worry about what might happen in the future.

Stress is simply the result of an overworked body or mind. It is a state of physical or mental worry that is caused by a difficult or challenging situation that have passed, that is happening or that will happen.

Stress isn't evil.

It is an essential part of the human ecosystem, short term stress or acute stress is vital as it a result of your nervous system exerting pressure on your nerves and using your synaptic response.

It is necessary for you to be active and ready to fight or run as the case may require. That is what helps you match down of the brakes, it helps you run when there is danger, it helps you move your impulses as quickly as possible.

All our lives we've heard, and we've been taught that stress is a bad thing, an evil we must avoid at all cost however as any qualified psychologist would tell you, we all need a certain level of stress in our life in order to accomplish goals or project.

This stress serves as a stimulus, a propelling force to help us reach an adequate level of accomplishment and success. So if stress isn't evil, and is needed in certain amounts to help reach our goals, when then do we feel so horrible when we are under stress?

That is what we wish to explore in this series.


What are the types of stress that exist?

We know acute stress is a result of vital responses in our body and the moment we sleep and wake up, the stress levels is reduced.

However, chronic stress is caused by a prolonged exposure to high level of stress and pressure especially as a result of unpleasant psychological and physiological experiences and events that have happened, that is currently happening or that will happen in the near future.

That stress in itself has little power, it is the stressing agents which include thoughts and imaginations that brings the horrible chemical reaction and produces a feeling that lingers and makes worry the main concern rather than seeking solutions.

Note: If your stress is not making you find solutions, it is chronic stress which is a long-term prolonged stress.

The question to ask then is what leads to this type of stress?


The simple answer is dwelling on the problem rather than seeking the solution. People who face challenges and wish to overcome them face the pressure of doing that on time and with the available resources they have.

Another way stress comes is through expectations, especially what people consider to be what they should do at a particular time.

Another way stress arrives is when a person is going through the lows of life, sometimes they experience loss, they experience failure, they experience some sort of challenge or setback that overwhelms them.

This period is when they think things aren't going to work out for them because of the circumstances they are facing. They feel God has forsaken them and the world has turned their back to them.
