Fellow STEEMers (STEEMies? STEEMites?) Help fund orymCoin
A message from orymCoin.
We want to give orymCoin a proper home, and a proper name. This means that we need to host and get a domain name, so that we can become more 'proper'. Also, we want to stay true to our ideal of 'no mining'.
This costs money...
"So how can I help?" I hear you say.
Simple, really- upvotes here will go towards buying a domain, etc
You could spread the word by joining our Thunderclap here: http://thndr.me/lKNtdr
To really, really help, get your wallet over at https://www.cryptocoincreator.com/currency/orymcoin and start accumulating orymCoin from the faucet. Start trading, tipping, throwing them at passers- by...
We will be launching our site, with our manifesto, and also details of how you can buy orymCoin, soon.
orymCoin. Thin sausages are better. Fact.
Wow thank you for your support!