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RE: Hey Monero Fans, here’s how to get to the top of Coinmarketcap

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

"Bitcoin Consultant" - i loled hard.

Also, privacy is not just about financial privacy. If you want basic protection from mass surveillance, there are very easy to use technologies that can get you there.

... yes thats why we maintain kovri, the i2p c++ port... But i guess that´s stuff u never heard about.

"Open source audits." -- right, there have been actually a lot of "audits" and once again check the MRL lab papers on where attacks on our privacy are described:
MRL-0001: A Note on Chain Reactions in Traceability in CryptoNote 2.0
MRL-0002: Counterfeiting via Merkle Tree Exploits within Virtual Currencies Employing the CryptoNote Protocol
MRL-0003: Monero is Not That Mysterious
MRL-0004: Improving Obfuscation in the CryptoNote Protocol
MRL-0005: Ring Signature Confidential Transactions

May i ask where DASH has done similar research? Or you?

"Disclose the vulnerability privately to your competitor’s developers and give them time to respond."-- So insiders can dump their coins on fools who have buyorders left on the market? That was also the reason we published the first Shadowcash exploit in full sight.


Oh and PS: It´s not up to us to proof DASH is insecure, it´s up to you guys that it isn´t.

Like we did in the MRL reports - you should really really read.

If you think not giving developers a heads up about exploits, is a good idea so be it. But you'll be facing the wrath of users after wards.

That´s just wrong and shows how little you actually know about this stuff.
If we do give the developers aka insiders and biggest bagholders a warning they will dump their coins un unsuspecting traders and normal users. That´s definately nothing we would ever support. But yeah, insider trading is a thing for you guys i guess.

It depends on the nature of the exploit. For privacy flaws that are already permanently recorded on the blockchain itself, no fix is possible, and "responsible disclosure" (aka deliberately withholding information from the public) serves no purpose other than to manipulate markets, as othe indicated.

And yet you missed my point.

I'm saying that in the case of Monero. Deanonymizing darksend txs would be big news. Big press for Monero.

Regardless of who you think has the burden of proof.

I asked them for a bounty but they rejected it. You can check my posts on shitcointalk, but generally a scam isn´t worth wasting anyones time anyway, people have better things to do than writing code for broken coijoin which has already been broken in joinmarket.

Big press, i won´t even comment on, we never did a press release or shit like that, we are an open source project and not a marketing powered ponzi scam like others.

Well all I know is almost every time I see anything about monero, it is someone who holds or promotes monero, criticizing DASH.

ANd that's fine, criticize away, but its a two way street.

yes you guys spend so much time talking about how it is a scam. That's the weird thing.

I never called Monero Evil.

This is all debate between alies at the end of the day as far as I'm concerned. Don't take it personal on my account.

There´s nothing like "you guys", another blatant and stupid mistake you make.
No one is really affiliated with monero was we are an open source project, all of the people who "attack" DASH are also Bitcoin holders, why don´t you call them the Bitcoin holders instead of Monero holders, there are apparently people like peter todd and gmaxwell who are btc core devs and also critize dash also... but yet yeah it´s all the evil monero community. mimimimi.

Moron - and this is personal from me now and not from the "monero community".

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