Authority, a Freewrite
This is a prompt I probably should not touch. But since when did I keep my mouth shut? Actually, I did keep my mouth well shut while my father was still living, talk about government institutions.
My father was very opinionated. About everything. Anyone who disagreed with him was either a dummy, or worse, a mental midget. That's probably not PC these days, but one could not misconstrue his meaning. Children who could do no right (few children could) would be sent back to the Indians. My father was very active in politics at the local and state levels, and was elected mayor of his life-long town when he was 80 years old. By then he had mellowed, a lot, and I liked him a bit. When I was growing up, he would become apoplectic, and very scary, if I said something he didn't agree with, so I kept my mouth shut.
When I read the prompt I did not know what a government institution was. I looked it up. Turns out, it's not even a thing. The government is an institution, of which there are four: religion, education, government, and I forget the fourth, maybe economic? I'll look it up again when my time is up.
And my time is up, so I'll be right back.
I was way wrong on that fourth. The four institutions are family, religion, education and government, just so you know. Covers just about everything, but where does the slave system of finances fit in? Seems to me that that institution is more influential than any of the other four.
This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite challenge. Today's prompt is government institutions.
Come write with @freewriters!!! It's fun! Anything goes! Actual humans read your work!
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Government institution is everything that is not a private institution like courts, school districts, police, and such. The more the gloomier. )