What It Means To Be Valuable Or What It Means For Something To Have Value

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Several times people use words interchangeably. Well ,they may be right most of the time but the word Value has in-depth meaning than it is often used. You must have probably heard people say "that phone is of value to me I can't give it to you", "that money is too valuable to me right now I can't lend it out", that car is too valuable to me I can't use it to take your sick mom to the hospital and so many sorts of things you will normally hear.

But what does it really mean to be valuable or what does it mean for something to be valuable?. This is a very important and interesting question that although depends on the perspective that I am taking it from. Therefore, try and follow me closely. In case you don't know what it means to be the first child in the family especially if the first child child is a male, then come to Africa. Right here in my country Nigeria, if you are a first son, you are an Icon already. A whole lot of responsibility falls on you naturally and you are accorded much respect.

Now consider the scenario that you are both the first child(male) and the only child also, then you already you will be much loved by your parents. You will be accorded much more respect. In fact using myself as an example, I am the first son not the first child but there is no way any decision can be taken without my approval. That's just the way it is.

If you are the only child and the first child likewise, then you will be accorded much respect, much love and much value. This was the case between God and Jesus. Jesus was the only son of God. God accorded much respect and Jesus was and is so valuable to God. But of course because He loved us likewise, in the same measure, He sent His only son (Jesus Christ) to die for our sins.


What does this mean to you?. It simply means that you are highly valuable. How many of you out there will sacrifice your son, I mean your only son for that matter for any reason whatsoever?. That will be highly difficult but because of the value God placed on you, He had to send His only son to die for our sins. That means that one of the things that makes something valuable is the maker of a particular thing. For example, if you storm the market to get an Iphone and was given two similar Iphones having the same specifications but you discovered that one does not have the Iphone symbol on it, you will probably not pick it and settle with the one with tje iphone symbol. The maker of a product is important.

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God is our maker and and he loves and cherishes us so much. Genesis 1 vs 26 says;

6 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

He made us in His own image and likeness. Everything that has a value has an origin and anything that has an origin has a price tag. We were bought with a very costly price i.e the blood of Jesus.1 Peter 1 vs 18 says;

8 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;

Your price tag as a believer is the blood of Jesus. What makes the believer is not the silver and gold neither it is the demand. It's your acknowledgement that you have been bought with the blood of Jesus. So do not ever allow anyone on the face of this earth to intimidate you. Do not ever allow your current situation to weigh you down. You are precious in the sight of God and you are highly valuable.

Thanks For reading



And the team at Community News value the Apostles of the Blockchain. Good post Brother Owoblow-Steemit.


Thanks for teaching us about value today Apostle. Have a lovely day ahead.

Upvoted & Resteemed

He is really adding a lot to the steem church owoblow keep it up

This is a topic we all should think about. Humans without values are like ordinary sheets of paper. We need to add values to ourselves so we can stand out anywhere we find ourselves.

Thank you for reinstating this in our hearts again that we are valuable in the sight of God. The truth is, Sometimes situations tend to make us doubt.


Hmmn. The value that God has placed on us is definitely more than we know. Personally I know that I can't send my only son out on a journey I know he may never return from, not to talk of sending him to die for people. But God did. He sent Jesus Christ knowing fully well the agony and anguish that he would suffer on calvary for the same people that would kill him. We really have to think more on this to grasp and know how much God values us. This is definitely worth pondering on for the day. Thanks for sharing sir.

Your price tag as a believer is the blood of Jesus
That says it all. For we have been wonderfully made and belong to God, we are the apple of his eye

A fine one from a fine apostle today. We are all very valuable to God and this is why he sent his only begotten son to die for us.
We should also value others around us too by loving and supporting each other for no man is an island.

We are really the apple of God's eyes. Carefully and wonderfully made.

Even scientist has not understood the depth of what humans can do. Let alone Christians.

Stay well Owoblow!
You are valued by God as well.

Hmmm @CED000
You almost created another post here
Quiet invaluable addition

Really great writeup.
It is more than necessary that we know that Gods holds us in high esteem as his children!.

Another quality content from you apostle, kudos!

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