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RE: My Experience After Delivery: The Lying Double Tongued CPS For Dummies

in #familyprotection6 years ago

Sadly this isn't just a U.S problem. Here in the UK our 'Social Services' receive a financial incentive to remove people's children and put them through the adoption service (see HERE). There is a lot of evidence emerging that they frequently use something called protecting the child from 'future emotional harm' in order to run this commercial child selling industry. In other words they are selling children based upon future or 'thought' crime. No evidence required. Merely the suspicion of financially incentivised 'professionals.' I wish you all the very best and really hope you get your children back.


It is a problem that is so common in many countries now, though not a new thing since they have been busy taking children and processing them through the foster systems.

I already have my children back, but the effect and after taste was so traumatizing in every way and financially damning. We had the CPS in our lives for more than a Year. Thank you oyddodat for your comment