How to cultivate the correct garlic - Step by Step

in #gardening7 years ago

Back again with @pakiis this time we will discuss how to plant garlic before it's good you know first what is garlic and the benefits obtained after consuming garlic.

Garlic is a plant that belongs to the genus Allium (the fruit of the tubers consumed), besides garlic also has long been known and used in the middle of the sea and cooking spices in Asia Africa and Europe since 7,000 years ago.

Once you know what is garlic, then we will discuss the benefits obtained after consuming garlic below.

Benefits of Garlic for Health

1. Garlic can prevent cancer

From some research done by the researchers very large efficacy seen in cancer prevention, because we know that cancer is very dangerous for the body and if not treated will result in death for the patient. Therefore we strongly recommend for you patients or not sufferers it is good to consume garlic because it prevents better than to treat.

2. Garlic can lower blood pressure

The next benefit of garlic is lowering blood pressure, from some sources we take garlic can lower blood pressure by 7-8%. You can process a lot of white into powder to be more easily consumed, in addition you can also consume garlic in a way cooked.

3. Onions can be antiviral / antioxidant

Another very famous benefit is to prevent antiviral or as an antioxidant for the body, because in our bodies many are called bacteria, fungi, yeast, viruses and worms by consuming garlic you can prevent the development of all the bad pests in growing.

Guide on How to Plant Garlic

After we discuss the benefits of garlic, Sentrabudidaya will bring the main topic is how to plant garlic below.

1. Planting time

Why did we choose planting time as the most important thing about how to grow garlic? Because garlic can only grow well in the dry season although this plant requires a lot of water, but if the condition of the soil in the area of garlic muddy garlic will reduce the quality of garlic bulbs produced.

Therefore we strongly recommend to plant garlic in the dry season in April to June, so that the quality of garlic bulbs maintained.

2. Selection of qualified garlic seeds / seeds

How to plant the next garlic is the selection of seeds / seed quality, because if the quality of seeds and how to grow garlic is done correctly the results obtained will not disappoint.

This time we will present how to choose qualified garlic seeds / seeds, quality seeds / seedlings have a fast growth process.

Characteristics of quality garlic

  • Seeds or seeds are clean from dirt

Seeds or seed quality has a clean physical condition apalgai if the seed or seeds are meant in the category of seeds, in addition to clean from the feces of seed or garlic seed is also clean of pests, weeds.

  • Seeds or garlic seeds contain / pith

The purpose of this second feature is very simple, essentially seeds or seeds are not attacked by pests that cause kompong. In this case you can do an easy method like seed or garlic seed that is not wrapped in plastic or you can also do the method of weighing.

In addition you can also do soaking method, because if the seeds or seeds of garlic that contains / pine will sink if soaked in water. You have to pay attention to this because if you choose seeds or seeds that kompong, then you can experience crop failure.

  • Seeds or seeds of brightly colored garlic

The next feature is the color of the seeds or seeds of the onion, because the seeds or seed quality has a bright color even though it has been stored for a long time.

Advice from us after buying seeds or seeds are brightly colored, avoid storage in an environment that mengandund pathogens because it can damage the quality of garlic seeds and make the color becomes dull.

  • Seed or onion seeds have the same size / uniform

This last characteristic is very easy to note, because you only need to pay attention to the size of each garlic seed that will be purchased. Usually quality garlic seeds have the same size / uniform with other seeds.

In addition, if the seeds or seeds are too large does not mean it means a sign that the seeds are bagu or quality, because the quality seeds have the same tuber volume with other bulbs.

After we present how to choose seeds or seed quality, hopefully you are not wrong again in choosing which seeds are qualified and which seeds are bad.

3. Processing of garlic planting land

The next stage of garlic planting, clear garlic plants have the criteria of planting places such as soil type, soil PH levels. This time we will present a suitable planting land for garlic plants, tananaman garlic is very fond of the type of sandy loam soil and soil structure is loose besides that this plant also likes on the soil that has PH 5,5-7 level.

Next we will present how to cultivate the correct garlic planting land below.

How to cultivate planting land

First you need to do is prepare the equipment in the form of hoe, because you will do the soil eruption that will be used as a planting medium, after the soil bursting completed the next stage of fertilization can use the manure at the beginning of planting.

The next stage to check the pH of the soil, if the pH of the soil is taken 5 it is better to do calcification first. Next the process of making beds, make a long beds according to the number of onion plants to be planted and 125 cm wide beds. The final stage is the making of a hole that will be filled with seedling candidate or garlic seed.

4. Planting seeds or seeds of garlic

the next step is the process of planting garlic seeds, you can fill the holes that have been prepared in the process of land before by entering one seed in each hole. After that cover using the ground with a thin and then flush with enough water.

after the planting process is complete, you must do the maintenance process or maintenance of garlic plants to grow optimally.

How to Maintain Garlic Plants

Here are some ways to maintain seeds or seeds of garlic to grow optimally:

  • Fertilization

In the process of garlic maintenance, the first way of maintenance is the process of fertilization in this process you can use 2 types of fertilizer ie organic and non-organic fertilizer.

  •  Discovery

This activity is done in the dry season because if done in the rainy season can cause the soil is too humid and can damage the quality of garlic. The material of straw in the form of straw or the remains of plants that have died because it can increase the temperature around the planting area.

  • Watering

The next way by doing watering / trenching around the garment plant area, in the early stages of watering should be done 2-3 a day, but after entering the process of shoots budding process is done 7-15 days. In addition, if the garlic plant is nearing the harvest stop the irrigation process.

4. Harvest

The next stage is the harvest, this process is very eagerly awaited by the farmers from determining the time of planting, selection of quality seeds, land processing and the process of planting and maintenance of garlic plants. Harvest time usually depends on the type of garlic that is selected, but garlic usually harvest about 90-120 days.

Before we discuss the harvest process you should know the characteristics of garlic plants that are ready for harvest, leaf color changes from green to brownish. In the process of harvesting you have to stop all fertilizing, watering and scavenging activities.

After the above explanation we will present the way of garlic harvest correctly so that the quality produced will not change.

How to Harvest Garlic Properly

  1. You can use the hands directly, but you need to remember when the process of harvesting should be done on fine weather
  2. After that the collection of white tubers into one, then tie as many as 20-30 clumps per bond and dried until the stems are completely dry.
  3. The process of drying is done under direct sunlight, but garlic bulbs are covered with a cloth so as not exposed to sunlight
  4. After the stalk of garlic is completely dry save in areas that have low moisture content, so that garlic bulbs do not rot.
