QS Sharing (6) – Post Contract | 工料測量/造價工程分享(6) – 工程期間

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


(Photo taken with my old film camera - 這是我用我的二手菲林相機拍下的)

Hey Steemians today I wanna share with you what’s the QS’s role in the post-contract stage. Last time I introduced you the bidding strategy, assumed you win the tender and the construction has been started, what’s the QS role? I always describe QS as one combination of a lawyer and an accountant in the construction industry. Since a QS has to control the budget and cost, together they have to handle contract administration and claims. Today I will examine it in the view of a Contractor QS representative, which means it is the offensive side, vice versa, the QS representative of Employer side would be the one to defense.

大家好,不經不覺來到我的工料測量/造價工程第六回的分享了,上回跟大家探討了一些投標的小技巧。假設你真的嬴了這場投標戰,工程將要開始了,QS又在這場工程中擔任一個什麼樣的角色的? 我經常比喻QS為工程界中的會計師和律師,因為他們要如會計師中為工程(公司)控制成本,亦要如律師般處理合約條文,索償等等。今次我會以承建商一方去做論說,可以說是進攻的一方吧。反之亦然,作為業主代表的一方就要負責把關了。


The following demonstration is set up based on a traditional contract -


  1. Subletting



It is not common for the contractor to simply work with his direct labour, instead subletting is very common in the construction industry, the Contractor’s role is act like a manager to make sure different package of work goes well. There is many advantages of subletting like let the right person to do the right thing, you know there is many specialist work in the construction industry, like piling, like marine works, like waterproofing blahblahblah, by subletting you can find the most suitable person to do so, otherwise you will have to hire every specialist in your company which is highly not possible. Furthermore, imagine if you hire all those specialist in your company, and then you keep losing the tender without getting a new job, how can you survive when your overheads cost is that high?

So basically the procedure of subletting is similar the one in tendering stage, just character switching, just make sure you should have a well tender comparison with your tender budget, so you always know you gain or loss in that particular package.

在工程界中,基本上沒有什麼承建包商會自己聘用員工和工人把工程完成的,反之我們會利用分判去把工程完成。首先工程的專科有非常多,如海事工程,打樁,防水等等等等,試想像老闆把所有的專材都聘請要用多少錢,如接下來的投標戰連輸幾次,又怎樣有錢留住這班員工呢? 因此,基本上承建商並不會聘請這樣的技術工人,因為你永遠不會知道何時投中下一單標,下一單標需要那項專材。因此,分判是必需的,透過分判減低公司的成本,亦可找到相應的專才去完成個別項目。所以說,承建商雖然被稱作builder,但實際上他們是擔任著管理的角色,管理及控制他其下的大小分判商,不要少看這角色,分判商往往都多於100,什至是數百個啊。


  1. Cost Analysis & Payment Application + Assessment


In order to maintain a good cash flow and a better cost control, it is essential for us to conduct a cost report every month, by reporting the expenditure – material supply, plant cost, and different subcontractor cost and the income from Employe including interm payment income, variation order, claims, etc . It should be noted that every month the Contractor QS representative is responsible to prepare the interim payment application to the Employer, including all workdone for the current month by details site visit, site measurement, taking off, etc. On the other hand, the subcontractor is also responsible to submit his payment application, and in turn you have to check his application and conduct the payment assessment for him.

為了控制一個好的現金流和成本控制,每個月我們必須準備成本分析報告,內容包括紀錄每個月的支出 – 物料支出、機械費用、及各個分判商的糧單和收入– 業主予我們的糧款、工程改動的増款、索償等等。每個月我們需到工地紀錄工程進度再跟據圖則進行量度以上糧單給業主,同時分判商亦會做一樣的事情而你就變成需要審核糧單。

  1. Claims – Money and Time

索償 – 時間和金錢

-Programme for EOT Claims 工程期報告作延長工程期索償

There is contractual claims including both time and money, for instance, for inclement weather we make claims in Extension of Time (EOT), as the weather is unpredictable, like it is impossible for us to do the concreting works during heavy rainfall, inclement weather is the most typical EOT claims. Another example is when there is unforeseen underground utilities leading extra time and money… Of course all the claims are based on the terms in the particular contract, it is the QS’s responsible to dig out all these contractual liabilities.

Of course there are many different other duties of QS that haven’t been listed out, today I better stop here and I hope you enjoy my QS sharing. 

索償主要分為時間性及金錢,亦有很多時同時出現的。時間性的例子最常見的就是不能預測的天氣了,例如在大雨雨季的時候因為不能進行落石矢,我們就可索償申請工程期延長(EOT)。 又例如如發現不可預測的障礙像地底的線路等等,我們可申請金錢和時間性的索償等等。當然,所有的合約索償是獨立性的不能一概而論,因為每份合約都是獨特的,需仔細看清合約條款細項才能判斷每一個索償的法律責任在那方,這就是QS要花的功夫了。



Adv time.. lol I wrote a blog to share hows the way I treat Steemit has been changed, I hope you will take your time to have a look :). Since my friend has nominated me in the steemvoter match, tho I lost again with 30 votes, but the winner got 2 votes (with whales lol), but that's ok, it's just a game, you may leave your support here if you like my sharing :) Cheers guys

賣個廣告,前兩天寫了一篇文章關於我在Steemit的心態轉變 有興趣可以看看喔:) !


QS Sharing 工料測量/造價工程分享

  1. Have you heard about Quantity Surveying ? 你有聽過工料測量/ 造價工程嗎?

  2. Evolution of Taking-off | 量度的演變

  3. Role of QS? | QS的角色 - Contract & Scope, Design Stage 制定合約,工程大綱和設計階段

  4. Tendering | - 招標

  5. Bidding Strategy | - 投標

Photography -

  1. Photography on site 工地雜工的隨身拍


I did a few tenders to the Main Roads Department and Perth city council in Perth Western Australia years ago. Hard work biding on those tenders, always someone undercutting you something..lol
I managed to get a few on the major projects side that kept us afloat , but as Perth is a small place, there aren't many specialists to go around. The bigger companies would put them on retainer contracts, which would stop smaller companies like me from accessing the skill bass. Needless to say I could not compete with that strategy and was out of the game in no time. I did get a few smaller ones in the maintenance side of power and light, but they where gobbled up by the big guys as well once the economy started to turn down.
Thank for the post.

Hi @thehomesteadlife ! I did think of working in Australia tho after I gained much more experience in my country. You are right, the most challenge in this game is time, there is always limited time for taking-off and strategy stuff!

Great good post greetings

Thank you for your appreciation :) I am glad that you like my sharing!

hi,I voted you,back.me.

Thank you :)

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