in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Prayer is the only channel by which every born again and committed child of God communicates with God .This was the reason why apostle Paul in one of his epistles to the Philippians church said *"have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your reque1st be made known to God.
An eagle Christian prayer life is one that is expected to show a high potency of faith and commitment (james 5:16) it must not be that of a jellyfish Christian type prayer life who doses off into sleep, snoring a few seconds into the prayer welfare.images (75).jpg
Prayer lifestyle of a jellyfish Christian
1.they are prayer consumers who will always request for pastor to pray for them even when rat run from their kitchen to their bed room.
2.they are spiritually lazy and can not rise to comfort 4th their adversaries through prayer.
3.they cannot search the scriptures to know Gods mind concerning and the efficacious power that is in the name of Jesus and his word.
4.they are prayer warriors but are oblivion about what God says about their cases.
5.they are prayer acrobats they only join the prayer band for the show of themselves without a due sense of belong.
6.they are the first to speak in tongues without interpretation.
7.they are exit route to new converts because of their lifstyle

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  1. He is not just a prayer warrior but also a committedand dedicated battle axe who is always on fire (luke 21:36;eph 6:18)
    2.He is a great intercessors and a burden bearer. (Galatians 6:2 ;Ephesus 19:4)
    3.he takes time to prepare his prayer points and connect them with the relevant scriptures (psalm 89:34) for proper execution.
  2. His spiritual antenna is highly receptive, in that he hears from God always for direction( 1sam 3:1-4; Isaiah. 6:1-9).
    5.he is a watch man, and so stands in the gap at all times.
    6.he sees prayer as a habit no as a part-time activity or when the going is tough exercise.
    7.the eagle Christian is very dangerous in warfare because he prays until something happens (Luke 18:1-8).
    CONCLUSION:As you have read this article today examine your self to know the prayer life style you posses --An eagle prayer christian life is worthy to be emulated for productive, spiritual and physical result. Always search the scriptures to get the relevant verses that relates to your prayer topic to enable you have an effective result. Photo_1525704566619.pngDQmVFagYUWnhPfKSmYqYeg9ioCkrZ6eRFwKp7419jjaaa35.gif

Hi there !!!

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Prayers is the key to unlocking doors of difficulties

Thanks for sharing



Prayer must be done with faith and before that, you must come to God with a clean heart

Warm regards


His power rain forever and it is through his powers that he made heaven and 🌍 earth.
God is merciful to the extent that he will always forgive you your sins when you have done wrong and you bring your self down and beg for forgiveness.
Sinners will never go un punished and that's the reason why we all should Br careful of what we do and hear always because a sin is a sin even when you think that what yiy are doing is just a minor sin or infiniticimal to you .
Fear God always and keep up to all his will and what he wants you to do to avoid his anger which may leed to your destruction.
What God has made is perfect and its great for those who trust in him in truth and in spirit because they will always recieve mercy from the sight of God.
Those who trust in the lord and those who have given their life to christ will always find favour in the face of the lord and they shall lway receive divine direction from the Almighty God
For he who have christ in him is a complete man or woman and will always find favour in the face of the

Pray is the only way we as christians communicates with God, it is a two end communication, YOU talk to God and He listens and reply you back in form of blessings.

The only way we can build our life spiritually is to pray. The bible says that prayer is the master key. Note, prayers the the only way we can communicate with God.
To be an eagle christain we need tomdedicate our life to God . Also we need to study the word of God. And live a God fearing life
Those who trust in the lord and those who have given their life to christ will always find favour in the face of the lord and they shall lway receive divine direction from the Almighty God

To be an “Eagle Christian” means to be a partaker of the divine nature of God. Throughout the Bible, God likens Himself and His children to an eagle, and He protects, feeds and teaches His children as an eagle protects, feeds and teaches the eaglets. This is why we should seek to know and understand the life of an eagle and the following scriptures which reveals this truth.

Eagle Christian are those who never joke with prayer and still keep waxing stronger in the Lord even when they don't receive answers to their prayers.

The Eagles Christians are those Christians that are very prayerful, very persistent and very committed, in other word as a Christian we must endeavour to always Soar high, always have faith and believe in God

We should know that joy plays a very important role in spiritual life. It's said in the Torah that one should serve God with joy. Whenever people serve without joy, they don't receive the benefits of serving.
Great post mate

As Christians we should note that prayer is one of the most important things a Christian can do. This is a time they are communicating with God and it should be taken very seriously.
Great article

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