How to identify if you are financially ripe for outsourcing task.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

The industrial age has brought about the creation of various machines that makes task very easy to perform, initially it was the function of women especially in African homes to do all the house hold chores while the men had to go out to meet the financial needs of the family but things are different now and both men and women are getting their hands dirty in order to meet the financial needs of their families and this definitely means there has to be an easy way to get the household chores done if the both parties will need to bring money home at the end of the day.

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Asides from machines to make work easy to do at home, there is also a place for outsourcing these chores. There are very fast growing industries that make delivery very easy, we can easily choose to get our food delivered to our home within a short moment of placing an order, we can also get everything on our shopping list delivered to our homes but all these certainly has a cost attached to it.

Speaking to the circle of being financially wise individuals, then we know that we must be sure if it is the right thing to outsource these services and I will be writing some of the things we must put into consideration before outsourcing any service but that is if we are still determined to have a good financial record.

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Before outsourcing any service, ask yourself a careful question on if you are outsourcing that service basically for luxury or you are outsourcing it based on leverage. It is easy to get carried away with the style of getting someone to carry out chores for you when you know that you can conveniently carry out that task by yourself. The rule is to make sure that you are making much more than you are paying someone else to help you do, if this is not the case then consider reversing your decision about outsourcing a service.

If your outsourcing options are making you go into debt, then it is a very bad option. You need to weigh your time properly and try to do those things yourself if it is going to cost more than your income.

It is highly necessary to place priority on saving for the future rather than the comfort of the moment and this is because when the time comes when you will really be unable to do these things, you will have funds saved up to help you with them. It is left to individual difference, make a list of how much you are earning and those things you can possibly outsource and have an earning that will cover up the cost then go ahead but if you cannot conveniently afford the cost of outsourcing, you have to learn how to carry out these tasks yourself until you can conveniently afford to outsource.


It is very true that it is advisable to learn to perform our own tasks ourselves until we are able to outsource comfortably.

Greetings and thanks for the input.

Thank you @carlos84, it is truly advisable to do so.

Outsourcing to me is important in a home especially if we have children. House chores is difficult than we can imagine especially if we have to do it everyday we become tired.