We actually found some fish with those nightcrawlers we caught!
After some rains the other night we noticed that there were nightcrawlers all over the property. Soon Pinkie-Pepper, Monster-Truck and I were hard at work collecting them. While we've got plenty of potential uses for nightcrawlers around here, we thought it'd be best to try to catch some fish. The @little-peppers had been asking if we could for a while now anyway.
It took us a bit of time to locate the fish. We found the water easily enough, but we had to try three different places before we actually managed to catch any. In the end, we caught ten fish total, and brought a few home to eat. All of the parts that we cnsider to be "not for human consumption" were fed to the chickens, Guinea fowl, and Muscovy ducks. Here's a few photos of some of the fish.
Until next time…

Hell yeah! Good times brother! Those kids had a great time! Always good to go fishin' and it's even better when it's "catchin'!"
Oh yeah, we really prefer CATCHING to just FISHING.
What is the oranger looking fish in the picture?
Congrats on taking some home and being able to eat them. I haven't had some good fried fish in a while and need to get out this summer and do some fishing.
It is a Redspot Chub.
Those are grass carp if I am not mistaken.
Redspot Chub actually, which stays much smaller than Grass Carp, but similar looking in some ways.
They are really so cute
sure beats eating worms!
I hear you! that's been years, but I still remember
you might be into this have you got any BSF going on the homestead yet?
Border Security Fence?
Black Soldier Flies , their larvae are a crazy composter for meat and dog poop and other things that are hard to compost and they turn the waste into high protein animal feed.
Excellent catch nice work 🌈🦋🌴💛🍀
Thank you!
Nice. Interesting that there are so many earthworms around your place. But using them to fish is awesome! 😊
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah, we were happy to find them, and blessed to be able to use them for fishing!
May the blessings continue @papa-pepper :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Looks like lots of success - all around! Great work! Spending time fishing together is priceless and to get food out of it is awesome too!