Art and writing contest #126 ||THE UNSPOKEN CONFESSION

in Venezolanos Steem2 months ago (edited)

Hello family, hope you all are doing well. 😍🤞First of all thanks to @jiva34 for the invitation.
This is my entry for the 'Art and Writing Contest #126, hosted by @solperez on venezolanos steem.

Helena sat on her bed with her fingers delicately tracing the elaborate designs of her lace stockings as the evening sun went low, warming the curtains with a soft golden glow. Her flowing white gown, which contrasted with the room's peacefulness, seemed to reflect in the low light. She appeared perfectly calm, yet beyond her quit facade, a storm of feelings and ideas went on inside of her.

Helena had always been the ideal of calm, known for her elegant appearance. But in this calm time, alone in her room, she allowed herself to feel what she had long kept hidden. Her life had been a collection of planned decisions that she made in the name of responsibility and cultural expectations. Yet, today, her heart hurt with a need she couldn't ignore.

The room looked like a cage, its walls hitting in on her with the weight of unsaid wants. She craved more----more than the life she had been supposed to live and the roles she was to do. Could she dare to break free?

Helena's reflection in the mirror became a reminder of the woman she could become, one who lived for herself rather than others. And in this calm moment, she silently swore to accept the freedom she used to deny herself, free of the expectations that had once defined her.

This narrative reflects the woman's emotions and desire for change while diving into her emotions and gently rejecting.

Contest link:

Invitation to @orion40 @sana-khan01 @guurry123

And this is my Achievement 1 post link as a newcomer 😊if you all want to know me before my post, please have a look 😀 [#ACHIEVEMENT-1: INTRODUCTION POST BY @parmarrenuka


Helena is a forgetful woman; therefore, I think she might be looking for her missing Stokey.😀

Ah, that's an interesting point @senehasa . Helena's forgetting might give another dimension to her story. Perhaps her missing stocking shows the things she has lost or forgotten in her life, physical and emotional. Thank you for sharing your individual perspective. it's always interesting to hear different views.

Gracias por publicar en #VenezolanosSteem
Mi apreciada amiga, existen mujeres que deciden vivir de espaldas a sus deseos, y se conforman con complacer a los demás. Por fortuna, Helena decidió, a tiempo, darse la oportunidad de vivir lo que deseaba para ella.

Me encantó leerte. Gracias por unirte a este concurso. Espero seguirte teniendo por acá. Un abrazo de año nuevo.

Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
BOT Free
Verification date2025-01-01


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3. AI Content Detector: Corrector App, OpenAI/, CopyLeaks

Thank you so much @solperez for your thoughtful comment and warm wishes! first of all, happy new year to you and to your family stay healthy and happy always. I'm happy you enjoyed my post. Helena's decision to prioritize her desires and happiness is a reflection of the strength we all have within us to create a life we want. I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this contest and look forward to sharing more with this wonderful community. Wishing you a great New Year filled with joy. 😍 🫂

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Helena fue víctima de la circunstancia y, curiosamente, en la vida real existen muchas Helenas que están así. Por ello, es importante que aprendamos a liberarnos de esas cosas que no nos hacen bien.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you very much @paholags for your lovely words and thoughtful views! completely agree that learning to let go of things that don't benefit us well is important. Helena's story is an example of that struggle, and I'm happy that it touched to you. your support means a lot, and I'm sending you a big hug back! 🫂💚

Hola @parmarrenuka. Excelente tu reflexión acerca de la libertad y un recordatorio de que no tenemos que vivir para satisfacer deseos ajenos. Un gran saludo.

Thank you very much @venecineaudio for your kind words and appreciation! 😊Freedom is one the most valuable gifts we can get, and living genuinely is the best way to celebrate it. your words mean a lot to me. best wishes to you!