Weekly Report as Steem Representative, 17 Jun – 23 Jun 2023

in Steem POD Team11 months ago

Week 13


Already, we are in the last week of the first half of the year. It is just unbelievable how time flies when you are having fun.

I had fun this week as I am now 5 dolphins smart!

What excites me the most is the following;

• Representatives with at least 25,000 SP will receive a delegation of 10,000 SP.

I cannot wait for the additional 5,000 to be delegated to my account, as my support for my fellow Steemians will be so much bigger.

As the saying goes… We are all in this together!

My personal activities

Item: Description:
Club status:Club100
Power up:180 STEEM
This week's Voting CSI Upvote:19.7 ( 0.00 % self, 224 upvotes, 122 accounts, last 7d )
Posts:6 Posts in total
Contests:2 Post
Engagement posts:2 Post
Admin Steem For Ladies:Ongoing


Details of contests

Contest 1

Link to contest

This week was No. #49 of this weekly contest.

The focus was on the word "BEDCHAMBERS" teaching Steemians about the meaning of this word.

"I spy with my little eye" is a thinking game that grows the reasoning and vocabulary of Steemians.

There was no winner. The prize for this week will be 4 STEEM.

Total of prizes given away for this contest:


Contest 2

Link to contest

The main aim of this contest is to get Steemians to increase the word count and quality of their posts.

This week, 18 entries were received! Not only was it the most in a single week so far, but it was also the week with the best 500+ word posts.
Quality posts can be written on Steemit.

Total of prizes given away for week 9:


15 STEEM in total for the week.


Events or other activities

Steem For Ladies

I am still very active in the Steem For Ladies community.

Most of my work in the community was dedicated to;

  1. Curation and verification of posts
  2. Educating and monitoring the 4 moderators
  3. Validating MOD verifications
  4. Verifying new members
  5. Booming posts and community voting
  6. Taking care of notifications
  7. Writing community posts
  8. Lending a helping hand to members of the community

As part of admin of this community it keeps me busy for most of my time on Steemit.


Most of my time educating Steemians this week went into assisting on the platform, in the various social media groups, and individually. The main focus was on how posts can be improved.


Support of fellow Steemians


The support for my fellow Steemians continued. The main support outside the platform was via WhatsApp and Discord. No telephone calls were received this week.

It's important to know that support doesn’t just happen by giving tips or advice. It goes so much further. You have to follow up and assist all the time.


I took the week to make a second assessment of the communities in Africa, the authors, the newcomers, and the support given to them.
It was nice to see that there had been improvements since the last time I did it.

There are a number of Steemians who are very active, who are recruiting and supporting on a regular basis, and who are making meaningful contributions to the platform.

It is on my agenda that my fellow Representative from Africa and I brainstorm and come up with solutions or suggestions this week so that we can take it further with the leaders of the different communities.


There was no educational post this week.

Issues encountered

Invitations to contests

The biggest issue I am personally encountering is that the same Steemians invite me to take part in contests every day of the week.
Up until now, I’ve voted and replied to each of these invitations. Unfortunately, going forward, I can only support Steemians in a maximum of two of their posts per week, as per the same rules for curators and booming votes.

It is only fair that I distribute my support among all Steemians.
Thanks for your understanding.

Verification of newcomers

It was brought to my attention that some of the verification of newcomers is taking a long time. I have passed this on to some of the team members for their attention.

If you experience any problems, do not hesitate to contact one of the team members directly. Just like a sock gets lost in the washing a post also gets "lost" in the system.
They are there to assist, and I can assure you that they have the interests of newcomers at heart.

This is where I am ending my week.

Don’t be shy! If you have a question or need advice, just ask.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted by @steemladies. The community where the Steemian ladies can be free to express themselves, be creative, learn from each other, and give support to their fellow lady Steemians.

Manually curated by patjewell for Steem For Ladies

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.27
TRX 0.11
JST 0.030
BTC 67692.69
ETH 3797.88
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.51