"Blind Not Scared Of Ghosts"

in #life7 years ago

When I was first came to Singapore at 1997, age of 18, I work as construction worker. When we touched the Singapore land, the problem was started. Immigration officer not allow us to go into Singapore. Because we only have copy of work permit later, original was keep by agent. So we try to call the agent by using airport free call phone. No one pick up, because of Sunday. So we try to call the company office, still the same.


So Immigration officer, ask to wait at the office room. He said, if no one shown up, we need to go back to Myanmar the next day. After about 2 hours, one of the officer open the door and said, good news is our agent is here and bad news is we need to pay for using airport office for more than 1 hours. Everything was settle down by our agent. Actually she forget to pick up. And one word she said to us was, why you guys were so nice. We just only were longs pan and shirt.


And she hire the taxi for us and let us go to one of the guy house. Who he was work for boiler master as also general worker. During the journey, we saw golf course, so many tall housing. At first I thought was those are hotels and build beside the highway. And again I saw multi story car park, it’s seem to me is like car show rooms. In my mind, how come in Singapore so many hotels and car show rooms are everywhere.


Luckily the taxi driver send us to the given address. After we alight, finding the unit and no one at the apartment. A few hour later, 3 people come back with boiler master uniform, was so enlighten to us. We show our work permit letter to them, but they refuse to let us in, because our company name and there are not the same. Our work permit was under one of the company called Salcon.


Another half hour later, 2 people come back from work again was two Burmese. So we talk to them the agent send us to your place. One of the guy said, no room for us but allow us stay for one night. So the next day we follow with them to their office by truck. The office was 2 of 40ft container with air con at one of the old warehouse.


So they give us two sets of uniform, one safety shoes, helmets (Yellow colour) and $50 for advance money for set up. When I received the safety shoes, I am so happy like monkey, because I never own them before in my life. I feel like I am a rock-star. After all this, office aunty told us to follow with the truck to do for medical check-up. Than we come back to office and call the day off. They send us to another place to stay. Me and another 3 friends are stay at one room and another room was occupied by other workers from Malaysia.


We wake up at 5.30 AM and wait for the truck to pick up to boiler master office. The office was very small at the time and total man power is just close to 30. They just doing repair boiler job at ship yard. At the time, we are not allow to go on side yet, because medicals check-up result was not yet out.
To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin)

Photos credit: Google Image


Richest place to leave Singapore

yes, but not for us. we are just a instrument for them.

life is money
If you vote me, you will not be able to leave anybody with you, you will vote as you go ahead but we will give support to each other

Life is hard when one lives away from one's home and family in some other country. I liked the post. Keep posting.

yes, when that time, no one can help us.

what a great experience?
Thanks for sharing,I get alot of knowledge..bro

at that time, we don't know what is call worry...

plezz follow and upvote me

i will, see you around.

Being stuck at the airport sucks! I had that a few times already with friends and you never know if they send you back at the end or not! Anyway, I'm happy you made it and Singapore must be really nice! I've never been, but it's definitely on my list :) Once I had a layover and I had the chance to check it out, but I wouldn't consider that as a stay in Singapore since it was only for a few hours, even though I had the chance to leave the airport :)

Singapore is garden country. one stop country everything you can get. ye, stuck at airport is not a joke, especially at immigration. some of my friends they send back... so we are worry for agent fees and so on...

great post, as usual!

thank you buddy.

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