How Long Will This Go On???????

in #familyprotection7 years ago


The child protection service was established with the sole aim of of protecting abused children and properly providing for their individual needs.

After a complete review of the CPS initiative, it is with great dismay that I put it to you all, that the aim of the Child protection service has been destroyed.

Experience upon experience comes up each day in different countries to testify on how CPS destroys families by seizing kids without enough proof whatsoever.

While doing my research, I stumbled upon this, and I felt the pain down to my marrow. I just have to share it with you all.

Do you know that the CPS generate massive income from the abduction of kids.

Sad to say this, the CPS initiative has become somewhat of a business mogul. They actually pay states to legally abduct children and put them up for adoption.

Check out this statement made by John Van Dooom as told by a San Diego newspaper.
Follow closely ;

These profits are hard to ignore and even more difficult to pass up. Countries can bring in thousands of dollars in excess revenue for each foster care, which means that they have more incentive to remove children from their families than to keep families intact.

Do you all see, they are paid for seizing children. This invariably means that the government of some countries are aiding the CPS in the dismantling of families. Now this is really bad.

I came across a family man with the name Micheal Minkoff, who said that this is off no surprise to him as he has had first experience from them.

He relates;

While we were fighting for our children back, a little black boy was beaten to death by his step father. CPS were called over six times but not even one official was sent over.
Do you know how many calls it took for their agent to pick my beautiful twin daughters?
Just one phone call on the basis of one person's testimony.

There was yet another experience that really moved me. That was the experience of the Adamses. If they had known that they would suffer this heartbreaking ordeal at the hands of Dr. Amber Hoffman of the Children's Mercy Hospital and her CPS allies, they wouldn't have bothered visiting that hospital.

Their lovely son Jaxon suffers from epilepsy and they regularly visit the hospital to check ups.

On the fateful day, they were attended to by Dr. Hoffman, who told the parents that their son's case is psychosomatic. The Adamses simply wanted a second opinion on their child's treatment and that was it.

They were not allowed to change pediatrician and no second opinion was to be made. They were accused of;

Medical abuse, Medical neglect, Lack of nutrition, Lack of supervision and Psychological abuse.

This was the part that really moved me. The CPS sent an investigator to seize the child. The mom states:

The investigator had tears on her eyes when she admitted that she didn't want to take Jaxon in, 'But they're making me do it'.


According to a statement made by former Oregon prosecutor, Robert Weinder. He said ;

The CPS receives $85,000 from the federal government every time a kid is seized and put up for adoption.

My good audience, l know you all have your various opinions as regards this sensitive subject. But there's a question I would seriously like to ask ;

**How long will families and children suffer like this in the hands of the CPS? **


Thank you all for your time.
Your comments are very vital.
Sepcial thanks @familyprotection and @canadian-coconut.


This evil teally neef to come to an end let all speak out with loud voice because the greatest weapon to fight this injustice is our words.

Exactly, solid point. Txns for sharing.

Whoa!!!.This is serious.....never knew that the CPS were incentivized to take children from their homes...really sad....serious checks and balances need to be put in place.

I was also surprised. Txns for your comment.

I really love the pics. They say a lot

lovely post. i think everyone like thanks for sharing..keep it up

So good I like with your post