The parable of the fisherman-

in #life3 years ago

I recently read this parable that I can’t believe I have never heard before. How could I manage to have lived this long on earth with out the golden wisdom.



In my own words I will retell.

There is this fisherman who is great at catching fish. He wakes early and is back to shore with his catch by the late morning and does this each day. Consistently bringing back his earnings. A banker who is staying at a near by resort takes notice of his talent for catching fish and strikes up a conversation asking him if he is happy. The fisherman describes his life to the banker. He tells him; I wake each morning, fish for a couple of hours and I am back with plenty of time to spend with my wife and children. Each day after lunch I take a siesta under the palms, then I have my dinner with a small glass of wine and play music with my friends.

The banker tells the man he could have so much more if he had more boats he could bring in more money. Then manage a business and buy a bigger house. The fisherman is not convinced. He sees in this scenario he will not be coming home and enjoying his wife and kids, taking a siesta, and playing music with his friends. He will be working hard for what. For exchanging his life.

I was talking with a girlfriend this evening about this friend of hers that is tremendously wealthy and yet feels like something is missing.

It occurred to me that it is often said that the impovershed people are unlucky because they don’t have the same opportunities. I considered taking the same perspective for the rich. In a way, they are trapped in their own paradigm. Suffering for not being taught how to connect with the essence of life and community.



The more I examine the human condition the more I see the path to peace is with in our own hearts. It is such a joy to know that it literally doesn’t matter what you have.

Who is the one suffering in this parable. Who is the one that society tells us needs our help. Who is closer to finding peace.

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