The Diary Game Sunday 28 April 2024 : Fried chicken for dinner

in Steem For Lifestylelast month


Hello all steemit friends, how are you all, I hope you are all healthy and happy always.

I was bored at home so today I decided to visit my friend's shop which is not far from home. I went on a motorbike. About two minutes of riding I arrived at my friend's shop.

We sat in a circle for a long time trying our luck together hahaha, the business we were running was a little slower than usual, but that's also a normal thing in business, there are ups and downs, the important thing is that we keep trying and remain consistent.

I arrived there in the afternoon at 16:30 I went home, as usual when I came home I didn't forget to buy snacks for my niece Asfia at home, apart from the clothes shop my friend also sold cracker snacks.


In front of the shop there was a small kiosk specifically selling snacks. I bought Asfia candy, chocolate, yupi and glass noodles. I paid 10,000 for all of Asfia's snacks. I arrived at my nephew's house and sat in front of the house with my mother. I gave him snacks and he was very happy.

I sat relaxed and joined them on the terrace of the house, I sat on the dam for a while then went to wash the dishes, I took a shower and prayed the four rak'ah Asr prayers, I rested for a few minutes in the room.

When it was getting late, I dressed casually, I went out in front of the house, took my baby nephew for a walk, enjoying the afternoon atmosphere, Asfia's sister had also taken a shower, she came with me for a walk on her little bicycle.


The rice fields have been harvested, all the animals can go free in the afternoon, everyone picks up their pet oxen, some of the oxen also go home by themselves.

I walked near the neighbor's house, everyone was sitting relaxed in front of the house, we were very close neighbors, we sat on various things, there was a coconut tree that had just been cut down, I sat there holding my nephew, baby Al.

When it was getting late we went home because soon sunset time would arrive, the sound of the call to prayer rang out in the mosque indicating that the time for evening prayer had arrived. I immediately went to perform my ablution to perform the evening prayer.


I prayed and prayed for my parents, especially for my father who left me first, my father died when I was five years old, at that time I was not yet at school, and thank God I have a good and super strong mother who raised us, worked hard and struggle, So that we ourselves can grow well, now is the time for us as children to make our mothers happy.

In the afternoon I was at home gathering with my family, having dinner with fried chicken that my husband bought, very delicious fried chicken with spicy spices and additional vegetables including lettuce, cucumber, tempeh and fried eggplant.

I played and spent time with my two nephews before they fell asleep, the night was getting late, everyone went into my room, I prayed four rak'ahs of Isha each and rested in my room.


That's it for my game diary for today, thank you to all friends who have visited and read it, have a nice day.

Game Diary, Sunday 28 April 2024 By @pecintabunga20


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 last month 

Thank you for the support sc03, inspiracion

Memang tidak mudah ditinggalkan ayah untuk selamanya, saya sudah berkepala 3 dan saat ditinggalkan ayah beberapa waktu lalu, rasanya seperti separuh jiwa hilang, apalagi seorang anak berusia 5 tahun,
Kalo ayam goreng ditambah sambal bawang pedas, sudahlah... Nasi satu youngma abezzzz....
Sukses selalu sayang... 🤗😘

 last month 

Ya kak sangat sulit tapi allah tau yang terbaik untuk kita, allah tau kita mampu melewatinya makanya allah memberikan ujian ini untuk kita.

Ya betul kak ayam goreng+sambal pedas memang tidak diragukan lagi kenikmatannya.

Terimakasih atas komentar dan kunjungannya kak, sukses juga untuk kaka🥰

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