Nature is Simplicity

in Account Booster 👍2 years ago

Flowers remind us that there is always beauty in life.

Maybe you will be on the other side of the world and see a radish, a watermelon, or even Indian rhubarb on a roadside food stand. It will remind you of someone you love miles and miles away. You may be picking up the mail on your stoop and find that someone who has donated their mixed bouquet of flowers to brighten up your doorbell hanger just when they thought you might need it most. Suddenly, what once felt like too little becomes an abundance of beauty.

You are lucky if trees can grow inside and outside your house!


Every second of our lives passes by us and for the most part, it’s a pretty amazing experience. Expectations are high as we amble through life’s winding road like travelers in some rugged country eager to explore every new twist and turn. However, as travelers in unfamiliar territory, we can find ourselves lost in a state of deep confusion because things have changed and evolved.

Our desires may shift into something that doesn’t play well with others or maybe they were never clear, to begin with; Maybe we mapped out our days improperly and instead of having an outline of things on the chalkboard, there is nothing more than symbols which are meaningless. The sense that life is just coming to a stop; these moments seem to be happening more frequently than ever before!


The marvelous thing about life is that it’s a never-ending journey full of various sensations and emotions, not one phenomenon. We live by these little intoxicating moments which keep us entertained along the way, like an adrenaline-fueled power night.

A successful life means living life with passion. Living with energy and spirit. Completing goals is about seeking more and doing the best we can with the tools we have. We grow through setbacks, through failures, through the struggles that teach us what we are made of and discover who we really are. And, at many points along the way, faith guides us through places where sight falters.



Humans are always striving to find meaning in our lives and search for the things that will make us happy. This happiness is not just a fleeting feeling that comes and goes, but it is an integral part of every person’s nature

No man or woman can attain his or her fullest potential without going through aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive, or even spiritual pain. There has to be growing which is physically painful. There has to be the courage of conviction which victimizes one’s individuality by challenging the prevailing values of society

They must lose friends who try to befriend them solely for their own gain. They must face adversaries who try to undermine them as they are brought out on their journey.

Have a great day!

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