Big Plans for My 28th Year

in #steem-help8 years ago (edited)

Today is my 28th birthday and I see that one of my wishes has already just come true.

We can now adjust the weight of our votes!

In our pilot episode of the Steem Smart Podcast, I mentioned this as a feature I would love to see and voila! Here it is! Many thanks to whichever of the devs is responsible for this one. I think it will make a big difference around here.

So what do I have planned for the year ahead? LOTS. I just went out shopping for offices in a brand new building here in Valdivia and I'll soon be opening Steem Center, an international Steemit support company. The inspiration began when @stellabelle began calling me the Minnow Shepherd because of all the assistance I've been providing to newcomers. It has kind of become my thing around here, I guess. So now imagine a call center that offers live help service for newbies in all major languages. Now add a new currency exchange and media studio and you'll start to get an idea of what I've been up to down here ;-)

Fostering adoption has always been my primary concern and since Steemit is so amazing that it damn-well sells itself, I believe the real challenge we have is in retaining newcomers. I've been noticing a lot of people making good money from their first introduction posts only to then get stuck at the cash-out step and lose their initial enthusiasm. I can only help so many people alone and I already have another business to run but with this new professional support center, I'm intend to clone myself and assist people all over the world, from The US to Europe to China. Might even be able to offer support in Klingon too, just for grins.

Anyway, this is why I have been powering down. Getting this place up and running called for some working capital and powering down seemed like one obvious solution. There are definitely investment opportunities here to for anyone that's looking for a fun new project to get involved in but everything is on track regardless and I'll be dropping updates here as we get closer to the official launch. The website is under construction, an app is in development, and I'm recruiting multilingual operators now. It's a huge undertaking but I've been incredibly inspired and motivated to get this rolling so as to make Steemit more "sticky" and drive adoption. When we're ready for launch, I'll make the appropriate announcements here in the mean time, if you know someone that speaks a bunch of languages well and would like a part time job as a Steemit support operator, mention this to them and see if they'd be interested in a position. There will be a hiring page on the website with more information but in the mean time, they can inquire by contacting me directly at


lol I'll hold you to that offer ;-)
and thanks.

lmao. That just never gets old :)

congratulations, happy birthday @piedpiper

And let me know if you need a party jacket ;)

wow, very nice :)

pretty one looking very smart madam

Thank you for how much time, effort, and money you have invested in the community. If you need translators or workers from home, I have several people I would like to point in your direction.

That's great! thanks :)

Fantastic! The land is paid off, the subdivisions are all approved, the water lines are in, and we're now just waiting for building permits. It's the rainy season now so we're all looking forward to summer to get building :)

What is Fort Galt if I might ask?
Thanks for all you do!
Best Regards~*~

It's a new real estate development project here on the Pacific coast of southern Chile. A community of entrepreneurs, freelancers, inventors, independent artists, and their families. We even accept steem dollars for land and suites. Lots of info and pictures at the website.

That sounds really cool actually good luck with it!

1988! Well you are going all in on this thing! I will give you credit for that. Good luck and always be ready to pivot.

Thanks, man. Always sound advice.

Looks like you'll get a nice b'day present!
Though I'm a little late to the party, Happy Birthday Gabe. I'm blessed to know you. Maybe I'll be on your payroll one of these days, if you can use someone that speaks English and 1/50th of a couple other languages. :)

Thanks, Joe. Yeah, there's a lot in the works down here. I'm sure there will be something fun for you to do here soon. :)

So now imagine a call center that offers live help service for newbies in all major languages. Now add a new currency exchange and media studio

wow, that actually sounds Amazing.

I can only help so many people alone

This is kinda like I felt as well a couple weeks back, but more and more people stepped up and started helping out. What a community to be a part of!
Thanks for explaining/mentioning your powering down, not that you needed to.

Steem Center sounds awesome. Could Steemit support workers and staff to work for it? Is that something they would consider placing a part of the daily "funds" that are distributed on to workers for something like the Steem Center? Or would it have to go to old methods of payments.
I personally would love to be paid part in $D and part SP, that would mean I'd only have to tax my $D. :)

Yeah, I'll definitely pay the staff with steem. Soooo much better than legal tender for such purposes.

That's gonna be awesome, combined with being able to shop and pay for stuff with Steem in the near future. Imagine getting paid on a daily or even hourly basis, that's a whole revolution by itself in a way. :P (not sure if people would choose to receive payment by hour/day, they might be too used by the ways they work now)

Happy Birthday, btw!

That's a great idea! The whole point of cryptocurrencies is to give people a choice, so some would definitely opt into a new way of getting paid. And people who don't like change as much can choose the old way.

moonjelly adjusts his voting power to 100%

lol Right back at ya, bud :)

On a side note, happy birthday and good luck with Steem Center, sounds very interesting. These sort of developments could definitely take Steem to another level, kinda like Bitcoin startups. I never considered that.

Anyway "I don't want to sound like a queer or nothin'" but you don't look 28 at all!

Happy Birthday, Gabriel! Hope it's a great one.

This is a great idea, an ambitious project and I wish you the best with it.

Thanks, man! As if Fort Galt wasn't enough on my plate, right? haha.

Wow - a call centre!? That's dedication!

Have a steemy one ;)

Yeah, shit's gettin' real around here! :) and thanks. I most certainly shall.

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