The beauty of nature is perfect Make everybody fascinated
God's grace in the form of nature with its various beauty, its charm we should be grateful as the noblest creature in this earth face. Among the majesty of his creation such as mountains, forests, oceans are all deliberately created by God to accompany and fulfill all human desires for the need to navigate life.
As a human being noble beings should be preserving this nature should not samapai neglect to guard it so that no disasters struck. To avoid these unfit things, we must preserve
nature with a variety of motions call it Go Green movement and so forth. There is nothing wrong if we as art creatures, lovers of literary works appreciate the majesty of God by creating the Poetry of Nature as a form of our love of Nature semestra.
dengan melihat alam maka terbukalah fikiran kita, semakin yakin Allah Maha Kuasa. terimakasih telah berbagi.