B&W Rescue…


Today is the first day after the lockdown that the cafes and restaurants are allowed to open... and of course the weather does not cooperate. It's raining cats and dogs here... after weeks of sunny weather where we were locked up we can't even enjoy a nice beer on a sunny terrace now that we’re allowed to…

And taking new photos outside is also a problem... street photography without people is, well, not really interesting...

Fortunately, I have tons of photos that I still have to edit. Like this one... you can call it a pre-corona photo of the city center of Antwerp… from a time when wearing a mask was a typical Asian phenomenon, completely unknown to us... (things can change 😉)

Actually, I almost threw out this photo ... the quality was really bad because I shot it through the window of an apartment building. The windows of those apartments were all covered with some kind of film meant to filter the sunlight...
A great idea of course ... just a pity that that film wasn’t really time-resistant. As a result, large spots appeared all over the windows that gave the final photo a green, and in some places, a red appearance… Impossible to correct that…
Except by turning it into B&W… what I did today
And I must say, I’m pretty satisfied with the end-result… What do you think?

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