Voice is a Killer - Voice.com Domain Details

Most of you probably already know about Block.one and their new social media platform Voice. Awhile back Dan Larimer had mentioned he intended to revisit the social media landscape but this time to build something a bit different and on the EOS blockchain.
People dubbed it the 'steemit killer' even when nothing was really known about it. Well, after the keynote there's still not much known about it but that's not what I want to focus on today.
I'd like to draw attention to the domain that Block.one is using for their new social media venture... VOICE.com
*Note - Block.one also owns Voice.io which forwards to Voice.com.
Block.one acquired Voice.com from MicroStrategy Incorporated. MicroStrategy has a number of high quality .com domains in their portfolio including Wisdom.com, Alert.com, Hope.com, and Glory.com just to name a few.
Jamie Zoch originally posted about the sale and speculated that the domain may have sold for 6 figures with some kind of equity. According to Drew Rosener (award winning domain broker) via twitter response, he made an educated guess that this domain sold for 7 figures.
This was definitely a 7 figure sale they won’t even talk about an outright sale otherwise. Maybe a token component but no equity. - Drew Rosener
I don't know a lot about the company (MicroStrategy) or their pricing but I would definitely price a domain like Voice.com around a million dollars! Probably seems like pennies to a company (Block.one) that raised 4 billion dollars with their ICO back in June 2017. No doubt, they've got a killer domain for this project, time will tell if the project itself is a 'killer'.
domain with 7 numbers, 4kkk in the pocket and mvp in 3-6 months (saw such gossip in eos chat in telegram)
Yeah, they've got the money to spend on a 7 figure domain like it's nothing. It may seem like a lot of money to spend on a project that's being released in only an MVP stage but branding is everything! Thanks for the comment!