Showcase Sunday - Munot - a fortress in the heart of Schaffhausen

in GEMS4 years ago

Last year I wrote about one of my favorite places in our area. Right now, this fortress is closed due to the pandemic, and therefore I can only visit it through my photos...

Recently, I've started to make a to-do list each day in the morning as I feel that it motivates me to perform better. I don't know about you but if I write down that I need to do something then I really do it. If it's not on the paper then I keep postponing it.

Today, was a really busy day and I managed to tick off all items on my list. I updated all my social media accounts, prepared lunch, went for a walk and gym in the evening, finished some important correspondence and other private things.

I went for a walk to Munot in Schaffhausen. Munot is a fortress and there is a large park around it. I love that park as it has many trees and stunning views of the city.

Welcome to Schaffhausen 😊

When I came here 9 years ago, it was right before Christmas. The old town was decorated, I could smell mulled wine, people were smiling and buying Christmas cookies on the street and there was live music on the main square. I was feeling like in a movie set. It's so beautiful.

Look at this tree!

And this pinkish one!

There are still roses in the garden.

And here we have Munot!

Let's go inside!

It's very dark and your eyes have to get used to it before you will be able to see something. It's actually a large room with holes in the wall for weapons. Impressive!

Here is a model of Munot. It's nice to see it as there is a renovation work at the moment, so it looks different.

Let's go upstairs and see the views!

Here we are! Look at this charming city!

We get to see 360° view of Schaffhausen...

One more photo...

Hope you have enjoyed our walk!

Thank you for visiting!



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