ELECTRONIC COINAGE...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #sound-money4 years ago (edited)


Electronic Coinage will be Sparking, all over the World, and WE THE PEOPLE own the ISSUING RIGHTS...

I hope everyone realizes what this means for THE UNITED STATES OF A SOVEREIGN PEOPLE...

Every time we Mint a new U.S. Bullion Coin, we get to "issue" an equal Face Value amount of Physical or Electronic Coinage...

Our Physical and Electronic Coinage will be in Perfect Balance, since it will have an equal Face Value amount of U.S. Bullion Coinage, to back them up...

This means, if you have extra Electronic Coinage, you can Exchange it for Physical U.S. Bullion Coinage, Face Value for Face Value...

If you're running low on Electronic Coinage, you can Exchange your Paper or U.S. Bullion Coinage for an equal Face Value amount of Electronic Coinage...

I figure, if Face Values didn't work both ways, they wouldn't work at all...

Same goes with any Form of Circulating Sound Money...

Any Form of Sound Money, will Exchange "Face Value for Face Value" with any other Form of Sound Money...

The United States Treasury and our U.S. Mints, will be Run like a Business, on behalf of "We the People"...

Precious Metals will pour into the U.S. Treasury from all over the World...

Everyone will want and need our U.S. Electronic Money, so I'm expecting our "Electronic Coinage" to go Viral...

People, Banks and Countries, selling us their Precious Metals, can Choose any Form of Sound Money they desire, including our U.S. Bullion Coinage...

The U.S. Treasury will buy at Melt Value Prices, and have them Minted into Bullion Coinage with Higher Face Value Prices...

The Face Value of our U.S. Bullion Coinage "always" has to be "higher" than their Melt Value for obvious reasons...

We all saw what happened to our 90% Silver Coins, when the Melt Value exceeded their Face Value...

Doing Business "on behalf" of We the People, will give the United States Treasury a Very Nice Profit...

Enough Profit in Fact, to end Federal Income Tax, and Pay off our National Debt in Full, including the interest...

Prosperity will return to the World, because of our United States Electronic Coinage...

The other Choice will be the Central Banks, Digital Fiat Slave Units...

I can't see that happening...

Feel free to question anything I write...


February 8, 2021... 17.0 Hollywood Time...


The Show is about to begin... Enjoy the Show...

February 8, 2021... 22.3 Hollywood Time...

Good morning! This is my favorite rendition by the Danish Orchestra. I listen to this almost daily at work on my lunch break.

We the People are the Good...

The Central Bank Owners are the Bad...

The Current U.S. Congress men and women are the Ugly...

February 9, 2021... 6.3 Hollywood Time...

100% agreement!

Howdy good sir. How have things been with you?

Hello... I'm glad to see you back... It's been a long time...

Anyway... I did my Fine Tuning about as far as I can go...

I pretty much, came up with a New and Improved Product Line of "Sound Money"...

Paper Coinage, and Electronic Coinage, which includes Decimal Coinage...

February 9, 2021... 10.1 Hollywood Time...