I know, there are a lot of you out there, thinking you're going to hit it big with Fiat Crypto's...
I'm aware of all the Selling Points of Crypto's...
And yes, a person can make Big Profits with Crypto's, until they can't...
Let's say Bitcoin hits 100,000 Fiat Dollars, the "Day Before" the United States Monetary Correction...
What will you think when it's Measured, using our New and Improved Currencies, backed by our Corrected Silver and Gold Coinage...???
100,000 Fiat Dollars will have the same Spending Power as $1,000 in our New and Improved Currencies, backed by our Corrected Silver and Gold Coinage...
The Good News is that your Bitcoin will still have the same Spending Power as it did the "Day Before" the Monetary Correction...
How long that lasts, is anyone's guess, since Bitcoin is not Stable and only backed by Limited Numbers...
We will be using New and Improved Tools, to Measuring the Bitcoin's Value...
Fiat USD's will all be "Removed and Replaced" at a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...
I've written many times, that "no one" will lose any Value, because of the Monetary Correction...
The Numbers used to Measure the Values will be Smaller, but will have Greater Spending Power...
So, what would you rather be holding the "Day Before" the United States Monetary Correction, One Bitcoin Worth 100,000 Fiat USD's or $50,000 in Common U.S. Coinage...???
Keep in mind, that our Common Coinage will increase 100 Fold in "Spending Power"...
Okay, let's say it's the Day Before the United States Monetary Correction...
Tell me if you would prefer to be holding, One Bitcoin worth 100,000 Fiat USD's or $50,000 in U.S. Coinage...
Brought to you by @pocket-change...
November 2, 2021... 17.0 Hollywood Time...
I still pick up a discarded, Zinc, one-cent/penny, on the ground. Occasionally, one will be Copper, 1982 & older, worth $.03 (USD), today. Some think I'm wasting my time. Who can guess three reasons, why I pick up these United States' coins. Until people understand value & wealth...
I figure each penny will have the Spending Power of One Fiat Dollar, after the Correction... Five Copper Coated Zinc Pennies will buy a Pound of Pure Copper, just like Five "Paper" Dollars can do now...
November 3, 2021... 13.2 Hollywood Time...
It is true, cryptos are very unstable and it has been shown lately that great whales can alter their price, which does not happen with the monetary correction, no one will lose value due to the support that gold and silver coins will give.
If I had to choose betwen Stable and Unstable, I would pick Stable... But people will still be able to Gamble, if they choose to do so...
November 2, 2021... 22.9 Hollywood Time...
The problem with cryptocurrencies is that one day we wake up with a lot of money, and in the next 4 hours you no longer have the same amount, tthe volatility of these currencies is incredible, well, tentacles that they move the coins are gigantic and powerful
I agree with you, that Fiat Crypto's are not Stable... That's why I don't think they stand a chance in Hell against our Electronic Coinage...
November 2, 2021... 18.3 Hollywood Time...
Friend a question, our new currencies backed by the corrected gold and silver coins, will inflation affect them?
Inflation will come to an end with our Stable Currencies, backed by our Silver and Gold Coinage... Prices of items will continue to Fluctuate, due to "Supply and Demand' but our Monetary System will be Stable...
November 2, 2021... 18.2 Hollywood Time...
Unlike cryptocurrencies that do not guarantee stability, the monetary correction is appropriate with respect to gold coins and their stable value. Geetings.
The Funny Part, is that even the Crypto-Currencies will be Measured, using our New and Improved Currencies, backed by our Corrected, Silver and Gold Coinage, "Face Value for Face Value"...
November 3, 2021... 19.9 Hollywood Time...
My idea is that crypto market is fake media, not stable. I like to read your post. Good thinking
It is impossible to Bitcoin hits 100,000$...
I figure that the Unstable Crypto's are not a threat to my Monetary Vision... Common Coinage will "out-perform" Silver, Gold and all the Fiat Crypto's... Silver will have a stable melt value of 700 fiat USD's and Gold wlll have a stable melt vallue of 7,000 fiat USD's, if the Monetary Corrections goes the way I figured it all out... Thanks for Commenting...
November 3, 2021... 7.7 Hollywood Time...
In these moments of change, you always have to study the economic field well, just as you do, whoever does not, thinks that cryptocurrencies are a stability, but it is not, I prefer a thousand times the 50,000 in coins that the BTC. And the person who does not like this way of thinking, say so.
The 90% Silver Coins will increase 1,000 Fold, and our Common Coinage will increase 100 Fold in Spending Power... People turning in a 90% Silver Dime will get back a 1/10th ounce $1 Silver Coin that will have the Spending Power of 100 of the Old Fiat USD's... The Two Rolls of Common $1 Coins (seen above) will have the Spending Power of 5,000 Fiat USD's, if all the Fine Tuning I did, turns out to be correct...
November 3, 2021... 7.9 Hollywood Time...
One major drawback of crypto is its unstableness.
That's why none of the Crypto Currencies have me concerned... I don't think any of them stand a chance against the Monetary System I was able to come up with... Time will tell...
October 3, 2021... 13.7 Hollywood Time...
This is my Dime coin collection My coins collection
Would you pick the 100,000 Fiat USD Bitcoin, or $50,000 in U.S. Coinage...???
November 2, 2021... 23.1 Hollywood Time...
If your vision is correct, i choose 50,000 coinage :)