The eagle has landed.... On my head and turned me into a monster!

in #art8 years ago

2017 just started and I almost ended up in jail!
First of all let me wish you all a wonderful and loving 2017!

I started the new year rather foggy! There was no way in hell I could see the fireworks at midnight so I went back inside and ate more nice things to become even more fat than I did during Christmas. I swear, I will never eat again... Now that is a lie because I really am in love with food! Anyways, I almost ended up in jail because I had to have puzzle time again. Those who know me shiver just as hard as I when they know I am going to puzzle. 

Okay, not the hell part is a lie as well because I am way too cute to be in hell!
Really, I am! Stop laughing will you! 

So, this is what you get after ripping the plastic wrapper away!
A push out puzzle! But trust me its harder than you might think because look... Its all the same color! 

Lets talk about hell again! Now this is hell. This is the small paper you get with your amazing puzzle and to be able to read the numbers you need at least 5 glasses of wine, No glasses for your eyes. Oh well, its super small and you have to figure out which part goes where by looking for the same numbers. If done right you will end up with a amazing 3D puzzle unless you don't use glue..... That is not written down in the rules so you have to make your own rule to just GLUE everything. But beware... You might end up just like me.... Starring at your puzzle being glued to the table! 

And the start is made! After making this I needed a BREAK! Even the first parts did not fit! IT DID NOT FIT until I handed it all to my partner. ( The life saver who always makes my puzzles but I will always deny that) Of course when he tried to put them together it worked like magic! So, I needed a break and went outside to have a very healthy smoke and calm myself down while my toes and nips froze to solid ice. 

And the globe is standing! Yupp, the break did me good! BUT.... Not for long because what you don't see on this picture is that one puzzle piece broke in two when I pushed it out! Do you know that sen feeling when you calmed yourself down and the whole world looks amazing again? That wonderful feeling that everything is going just as it should go and than..... BAM! Yeah, that was my moment and I swear if someone could see me at that moment I would have gone to jail. The words I spoke, or better yet, screamed are not even suitable for Steemit! 

So, after 10 more smokes, three coffees and some chocolate I made wings!
While building the wings I dreamed about giving these wings to the person who made my puzzle so he or she could die in peace and fly up to heaven after meeting me. It's funny how good the pieces of the puzzle fit when you are having an pure anger attack. 

I beheaded the bird to calm my anger! No seriously, I did!
A sat down like a little maniac putting the head together only to take it apart over and over again while I was shouting the most amazing, I mean evil things into the world! Now, when I look at the picture I see how freaking cute this eagle really is. I was blinded by hate while it should be born! I don't blame myself, I mean I am just as cute when I am angry as when I am not angry! 

At some point I fell in love with my eagle again and I decided the person in China will have to build his or hers own wings because my sweet little wooden birdie peckers was in more need of them! It looks so cute I wanna cuddle it so badly but it will just break. 

Glue left and right but I made it! The eagle has landed is now ready for its first flying lesson!
Trust me, during the making progress parts if it flew rather well so I have full trust in the fact this wooden bird will fly like an Eagle.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Trust me, I am cute and I don't hurt a fly. Okay, I hurt mosquito's like a lot! I like to ... nope, not going there! Positive, stay positive! Breathe and relax and let it goooooo

I HATE that song so freaking much! Just writhing that down made my blood boil! I say perfect time to sit down and make puzzle number three! A Huge dragon! 

^^ Anger..... I just had to end this post with this picture from the BBC... 

Life is not about being serious all the time. Lighten up and laugh! 

Love hugs and kisses

X PoeticSnake


Thanks you so so much :D

This is a very difficult hard work! You are well done!

Thank you very kindly @vampiretta

Looks hard work, well done on completing it :)

Thank you kindly! I was hard work for me yes but I am sure some other people will fix these puzzle in a blink of an eye! Lmao

Not me lol I would have probably gave up or smashed it, I'm very impatient

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