The point of comedy is not necessarily to agree, but to find it funny.

in #comedy2 years ago


Bill Hicks died when I was nine years-old and he's one of my favorite comedians of all time. The first time I was exposed to his stand up I thought I was gonna die happy from a busted gut. I also disagreed with about 70% of what he had to say. Maybe 40% of the time, he was making fun of me. He was just fucking funny.

I thank the primordial ooze from which all life sprung that Dave Chappelle and Bill Maher are still alive and working. Again, this isn't because they reenforce my opinions during their stand-up. They very often say things that I disagree with and sometimes should hurt my feelings; but, they're fucking funny.

It's not like I always like what Lenny Bruce had to say or David Mitchell has to say. Sometimes, people are just masters if their crafts and the best of them get you to laugh at yourself.

I don't dislike Trevor Noah, Samantha Bee, Hannah Gadsby and the like because I don't like their ideas. I dislike them because they're bad at what they do. They call themselves "comedians" while they play for applause rather than laughs.

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