Charlie Shrem free from Prison

in #crypto8 years ago

What would you do after being locked up?

Charlie Shrem got released from prison recently. It got me thinking what would be the first things i did after a stint inside. Not having had the pleasure of being housed courtesy of Her Majesty, i can only guess, but here are my top 5 things to do after a sting in the clink.

  1. Spend time with my wife and kids
    I am a family man and being away from my wife and kids would be horrible, i'd want to immerse myself in them to try and make up for that time
  2. Get a job
    I'd want to start providing for my family again as soon as i could. I guess it might be harder to get work after being inside, but i'd be determined to do something.
  3. Go for a Bushwalk
    Having been couped up in a cell for god knows how long, i'd want to enjoy all the free space we take for granted everyday. I live in a part of the world which has amazing scenery. I'd go for a long walk, probably camp out and just enjoy nature for a while
  4. Volunteer
    Depending on what i'd gone inside for I guess i'd still feel that i need to make it up to my community somehow. I'd volunteer for something. I have been a volunteer firefighter in the past, having done 5 years, so i guess i'd either rejoin there or get involved with a community organisation where i might be able to right some of the wrongs i had done
  5. Tell my story
    I'm not talking Hollywood blockbuster, i'm thinking more of telling other people the mistakes i made so that they could learn from them and not repeat them their selves. Schools, community groups, self help places, even the now might Steemit would be a good place to share that journey

What would you do after you got out? If you have been inside, what did you do? Let me know!


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